36 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
Брошь Брошь " Малахитовый рай". Brooch "Malachite Paradise"
Kira Kyrychenko (geb. 1968)
Shop Kyrychenko Kira
Kira Kyrychenko
Родилась в 1968 году в Киеве, Украина. Закончила Экономический Университет в Киеве, экономист-финансист. Работала в госучреждении, 10 лет в банковской системе, гостиничном секторе, коммерческих предприятиях, недвижимости. Но всегда у меня была большая любовь к творчеству, владею многими техниками для создания различных вещей ручной работы. Начинала с вязания спицами, затем заинтересовалась вышивкой картин крестиком, вышивка картин бисером и алмазная вышивка. Моя любовь к бисеру перешла на создание и изготовление авторских украшений ( броши, колье, ожерелья) из бисера, страз и натуральных камней. Также создаю цветочные композиции из бисера.
Я так же владею техникой декупажа, оформляю разные вещицы для интерьера дома. В результате появилось мое новое направление творчества - коллекция вазонов для комнатных цветов в технике художественный 3D декупаж.
Все вазоны выполняются в одном экземпляре ( даже я не повторю в точности). Вазоны могут быть сделаны в одном стиле, но будут все разные и могут быть в разном цвете.) При изготовление вазонов использую различные материалы, которые на первый взгляд не возможно соединить вместе.
С 2015г. начала самостоятельную творческую деятельность как художник-дизайнер. Неоднократно участвовал в выставках-продажах и ярмарках, преимущественно в Украине.
Kyrychenko Kira
Anzahl der Produkte: 28
Anatolii Zhamoido (geb. 1966)
Shop Zhamoido Anatolii
Anatolii Zhamoido
1980-1985 -с красным дипломом окончил Харьковское государственное художественное училище.
1988-1991 – художник-оформитель; ХТЗ, Харьков. Создал серию живописных и графических работ. Принимал участие в нескольких художественных и художественно-прикладных выставках (в Харьковском художественном музее, Доме художника, выставках творческого союза «Возрождение», в холле «Росвнешторга», Москве...).
С 1994 г. вместе с несколькими единомышленниками на общественных началах в рамках созданной нами неформальной творческой организации «Детское Акционерное общества самого открытого типа» провожу занятия с детьми и подростками, разрабатываю и воплощаю Новую систему образования.
В 2007 принимал участие в подготовке (как региональный эксперт) и проведении II Международного гуманитарного форума «ВОЗРОЖДЕНИЕ, ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ И РАЗВИТИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКА» в «Артеке», где провел мастер-класс для ведущих педагогов Украины, России, стран Евросоюза, которые принимали участие в Форуме. Также был приглашен и принимал участие в Первом ежегодном Международном образовательном форуме «АРТЕКОВСКИЕ ДИАЛОГИ». МБФ «Украина 3000», МДЦ «АРТЕК», 17 – 22.09. 2008 г. и EdCamp Ukraine 2015/2016 национальные (не)конференция для школьных педагогов.
1991- 2018 - организатор, участник (и победитель) выставок, форумов, фестивалей, конференций, конкурсов (в том числе международных – США, Германия, Франция, Испания, Россия, Украина…).
Автор и соавтор:
- серии энциклопедий, книг, наборов для творчества, научно-популярных и web-изданий (общий тираж проданных экземпляров – около миллиона),
- документальных и художественных фильмов.
Самым интересным творческим достижением в области изобразительного искусства считаю создание из спичек (палочек для мороженого) оригинальных авторских произведений, макетов памятников архитектуры, коллекции, которая по качеству не имеет аналогов.
Zhamoido Anatolii
Anzahl der Produkte: 7
ZIMORODOK (Kingfisher)
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
«The Gallus»
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
The Saraswati
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
St. Nicholas
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
"The Vernicle"
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Virgin of Vladimir
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Aliona Gordon (geb. 1974)
Shop Gordon Aliona
Aliona Gordon
Aliona Gordon is a professional artist, the founder of brand Gordons Gemstone Art, the author of a unique technique for creating images with gems and semi-precious stones, a member of the creative association “Peacemakers’ Union “Light”, diploma winner of various national and international art exhibitions.
She received her education at the Art College named after Glebov, painting department, in 1994.
Each Aliona Gordon’s work is of the highest level made in a single copy. The artistic merit and unique technique of the paintings arouse admiration.
For her works the author uses such luxurious natural materials as amethyst, garnet, malachite, charoite, jasper and other semi-precious stones. Diamond inlay and a high level of craftsmanship make each painting a real work of art, which is of great interest to collectors as well as to those who want to purchase an object to serve as a family heirloom, the significance of which has no time limits.
Each work has no equivalent and can be perceived as a tangible asset.
Over the years of Gordons Gemstone Art existence more than 150 pieces of art have been made which are stored in private collections of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, America, Germany, Switzerland, UK as well as in the Sanctuary of the Holy Trinity (Antarctica, the Island of Waterloo, the Belinzgauzen polar base), the Sanctuary of St. Vladimir in Kaliningrad (Russian Federation), in the Chapel of Okovetskaya Mother of God (Russian Federation), and in the Sanctuary of St. Andrew in Minsk (Belarus), the collection of the Museum of History of Minsk (Belarus).
Each icon is consecrated.
semi-precious stones and gems:
Diamond, amethist, peridot, garnet, chalcedony, opal, malachite, amber, jasper, calcite, lapis lazuli, fluorite, carnelian, charoite, orpiment, astrofillit, volkonskoite, jet, cinnabar, ochre, realgare, rhodusite, tuff, anthracite, micа, galena, aegirine, rhodonite.
Gordon Aliona
Anzahl der Produkte: 12
Малахитовая шкатулка
Marianna Kamyshanskaya (geb. 1970)
Shop Kamyshanskaya Marianna
Marianna Kamyshanskaya
Я не могу назвать себя художником, скорее я рукодельница, потому что сфера моих интересов - это и фотография, и рисование акриловыми красками по холсту, и алмазная живопись, и вышивка крестом и бисером, и мягкая игрушка. Творю и самовыражаюсь по вдохновению и занимаюсь тем, к чему в данный момент времени есть душевная склонность...
До сих пор я использовала в своих работах трафареты, готовые наборы или выкройки, однако планирую разнообразить свои работы используя уникальные, собственные фотографии.
Очень люблю природные пейзажи, цветы, натюрморты и домашних животных.
Kamyshanskaya Marianna
Anzahl der Produkte: 4