Antique store "Antiques Shop": assessing, buying and selling Antiques.Free photo, sale or purchase of Antiques is a complex process, and its quality depends on many factors. For example, that would be expensive to sell Antiques in Moscow, it is very important to deal with honest, decent appraisers. Otherwise, you can cheat, especially if the attribution of the paintings, icons, coins, vases or other object for the first time. By the way, attribution or assessment referred to the examination of subject to determine his belonging to the category of Antiques. It allows you to determine the creation time of the item, its author, the country of origin. And if the process of attribution of ancient coins it is quite easy (after evaluation buying selling coins or icons in this case requires only the establishment of their authenticity and degree of preservation, all the rest are coined or embossed on the coin itself), with the attribution and evaluation of works of art requires in-depth knowledge. And if you dearly want to sell the icon, but we doubt that evaluating the purchase of paintings or other Antiques in your city are carried out professionally, you can always call a specialist from our company. Sell Chinese statue of the Buddha or Chinese gods. We have buying Chinese Antiques. Perhaps You have a bronze Buddha.
The need for expertise, need evaluation, need to consult a Dealer. For all questions please Contact our showroom in Moscow, we will gladly help you with this.
Examination of Antiques.
The professional experts.
Appraisers you can trust.
Oral examination including Antiquarian
Your personal Dealer will always estimate correctly.
Museum expertise (in the leading museums of Russia).
Moscow experts, the best experts.
Fair price for Antiques given the recessionary factors.