76 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
NV- 005 Silver
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
NV-008 Red on Blue 2
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
Black composition 2
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
Blue on Red
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
Green Composition with Cross
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
Inspiration 2
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
NV-08 Cave
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
NV 03 Gold squares with blue
Nerseh Khalatyan (né en 1972)
Boutique Khalatyan Nerseh
Nerseh Khalatyan
1972 – Born in Tbilisi, Georgia.
1989-1995 Studied and graduated St. Etchmiadzin Theological University.
1995- Held position of Curator of Museums of Holy Etchmiadzin.
1996- Became member of Holy Etchmiadzin congregation.
2001- Attended Management studies for seminarians at American University of Armenia.
2016- Became member of Artist Union of Armenia.
Had a number of solo and group exhibitions in Armenia and abroad.
His artworks are kept in Holy Etchmiadzin Treasure House, in Chanselary and Matenadaran of Holy Etchmiadzin, and in private collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalatyan Nerseh
Nombre de produits: 11
В действительности нет никакой темной стороны у луны?
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Художник и Муза
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Пикассо окрыленный
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Viva la vida! (Peacemaker)
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Г.Х.Андерсен .Истории на Рождество
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Два кольори. Мальви.
alla mykhalchuk (né en 1968)
Boutique mykhalchuk alla
alla mykhalchuk
Михальчук Алла Альбертівна народилася в м. Дніпродзержинськ, в сім'ї інженерів. Шлях до усвідомленої творчістіі почався з Дніпродзержинської дитячої художньої школи. Потім - архітектурний факультет Дніпропетровської будівельної академії.
Пробувала себе в різних техніках. Дуже любить писати акварелі, але, врешті-решт, прийшла до роботи з олією. Улюблена тема - польові квіти. Архітектурна освіта дається взнаки - на багатьох картинах оживають вузькі вулички старовинних міст, стародавні собори, види міст, які впізнаєш з першого погляду, навіть якщо ніколи там не був. Має у творчому доробку близько 100 робіт.
Учасник колективних виставок:
«Різдво Христове» (2012-2017) м. Кам’янське;
Всеукраїнський історико-культурологічний фестиваль «Мамай-fest»,
V (2012),VI (2013),VII (2014), VІІІ (2015),IX(2016),X(2017) м. Кам’янське ;
X Український Тиждень Мистецтв «Візуалізація» 2014, Київ;
XI Український Тиждень Мистецтв «Ми є…» 3 місце 2015, Київ;
XII Український Тиждень Мистецтв «На семи пагорбах» 1 місце 2016, Київ;
XIII Український Тиждень Мистецтв «На зустріч…» 2017, Київ;
ХХI Міжнародна виставка живопису і скульптури «Високий Замок»,Львів 2017
V Міжнародна виставка - ярмарок "BRATERSKIE SPOJRZENIE"
Krynica Zdroj (Poland) 2016.
«Кольори душі» виставка живопису в посольстві Латвії 2018
Персональні виставки:
«Європа очима Алли Михальчук» 2012, Центральна міська бібліотека;
«Я малюю квіти» 2013, Центральна міська бібліотека;
«Подорож з фарбами» 2014, Музей історії м. Кам’янське;
«Подорож з фарбами» 2015, Театр «Десятий квартал» м. Кам’янське.
«Подорож з фарбами» 2017, Кулуари Верховної Ради
Boutique de l'artiste
mykhalchuk alla
Nombre de produits: 12
alla mykhalchuk (né en 1968)
Boutique mykhalchuk alla
alla mykhalchuk
Михальчук Алла Альбертівна народилася в м. Дніпродзержинськ, в сім'ї інженерів. Шлях до усвідомленої творчістіі почався з Дніпродзержинської дитячої художньої школи. Потім - архітектурний факультет Дніпропетровської будівельної академії.
Пробувала себе в різних техніках. Дуже любить писати акварелі, але, врешті-решт, прийшла до роботи з олією. Улюблена тема - польові квіти. Архітектурна освіта дається взнаки - на багатьох картинах оживають вузькі вулички старовинних міст, стародавні собори, види міст, які впізнаєш з першого погляду, навіть якщо ніколи там не був. Має у творчому доробку близько 100 робіт.
Учасник колективних виставок:
«Різдво Христове» (2012-2017) м. Кам’янське;
Всеукраїнський історико-культурологічний фестиваль «Мамай-fest»,
V (2012),VI (2013),VII (2014), VІІІ (2015),IX(2016),X(2017) м. Кам’янське ;
X Український Тиждень Мистецтв «Візуалізація» 2014, Київ;
XI Український Тиждень Мистецтв «Ми є…» 3 місце 2015, Київ;
XII Український Тиждень Мистецтв «На семи пагорбах» 1 місце 2016, Київ;
XIII Український Тиждень Мистецтв «На зустріч…» 2017, Київ;
ХХI Міжнародна виставка живопису і скульптури «Високий Замок»,Львів 2017
V Міжнародна виставка - ярмарок "BRATERSKIE SPOJRZENIE"
Krynica Zdroj (Poland) 2016.
«Кольори душі» виставка живопису в посольстві Латвії 2018
Персональні виставки:
«Європа очима Алли Михальчук» 2012, Центральна міська бібліотека;
«Я малюю квіти» 2013, Центральна міська бібліотека;
«Подорож з фарбами» 2014, Музей історії м. Кам’янське;
«Подорож з фарбами» 2015, Театр «Десятий квартал» м. Кам’янське.
«Подорож з фарбами» 2017, Кулуари Верховної Ради
Boutique de l'artiste
mykhalchuk alla
Nombre de produits: 12
Артефакты Наполеоновской эпохи
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Девушка,виолончель и бабочка-монарх
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
The Beatles forever!
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Групповой портрет фруктов на тарелочке в дождливый день
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20
Рыжий гость на "five o'clock tea"
Andrew Khalturin (né en 1963)
Boutique Khalturin Andrew
Andrew Khalturin
Education is an architecture.
Active start of exhibition activity since 2011.
Participant of international, republican, regional exhibitions and competitions.
I live and work in the city of Odessa, Ukraine.
Membership - Professional Union of Artists (2013)
Membership - The Portrait Society of America (2017)
Boutique de l'artiste
Khalturin Andrew
Nombre de produits: 20