99 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
roman ring
SPRING METAMORPHOSES acrylic abstraction
Mary Romanova (né en 1986)
Boutique Romanova Mary
Mary Romanova
My name is Mary Romanova, I’m an Artist from Russia. I was born on May 17, 1986. As a child, I drew always and everywhere, on any surface - at home on tables, wallpaper, doors, in the entrance on the walls, even on the ceiling! I've always liked big sizes, bright colors, and bold images.
In 2003, I successfully graduated from College with a degree in design and from the Fine Arts School in Izhevsk. I continued to improve, get new knowledge and skills. So with honors, I graduated from the state Academy of Culture and Arts in Samara in 2008.
In 2009, I successfully graduated from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University, Department of Transcultural Communications.
I specialize in interior art, working in various techniques via modern trends, exploring materials possibilities, and different approaches to painting.
I represent the most daring and relevant solutions for decorating your home walls. Abstract paintings are universal, and this is their main advantage over other styles. A large degree of artistic freedom and the absence of stylistic frames allows my artwork to fit into any interior. I prefer to work with acrylic and texture paste.
I sincerely believe that the need for beauty and creativity that embodies it, the ability to find the unusual in everyday life is the essence of human nature, the secret of harmony, and the emotional balance of the individual. In my artworks, I share how I see our world. Here I can allow myself to be completely honest.
I’m inspired by beautiful sunsets, the azure sea, travel to new lands, and of course my lovely family. Fitness gives me power and energy.
I opened an Art Studio "MARY ART ROOM" in the summer of 2019. My paintings adorn the home interiors of collectors around the world, create a pleasant atmosphere in company offices, place bright accents in the halls of cafes and restaurants, and are part of hotels interior decor.
Welcome to my world! A world where dreams become reality on canvas!
Boutique de l'artiste
Romanova Mary
Nombre de produits: 10
Where the spring dreams lead. Куда приводят весенние мечты
Medea Paatashvili (né en 1976)
Boutique Paatashvili Medea
Medea Paatashvili
Живу в Москве. Осознанно занимаюсь искусством с 12 лет. Первая персональная выставка состоялась в 19 лет в Институте Иностранных Языков в г. Тбилиси. После этого многократно выставлялась в Тбилиси и Москве. Участница более 23-х выставок и мероприятий.
Boutique de l'artiste
Paatashvili Medea
Nombre de produits: 1
MARINA Havova (né en 1978)
Boutique Havova MARINA
Я не могу жить без живописи. Я владею разными техниками, но моя пламенная любовь-акварель, живая волшебная краска.
В акварели я стараюсь достичь живой эмоции. Моя цель: достичь слияния с краской, чтобы акварель свободно разливалась по бумаге, создавая желаемые мне образы.
Получая истинное удовольствие от написания каждой картины, надеюсь, что передаю через картину свою любовь!
Стоимость доставки не включена и рассчитывается отдельно для каждого региона доставки. Доставку оплачивает покупатель.
Boutique de l'artiste
Nombre de produits: 188
Sergey Shirobokov (né en 1989)
Boutique Shirobokov Sergey
Sergey Shirobokov
Привет, меня зовут Сергей. Я живу и работаю в Москве. На данный момент я профессионально занимаюсь художественной татуировкой и живописью. Имею два художественных образования, одно высшее. Люблю писать картины маслом и постоянно развиваюсь в этом направлении. Мой стиль можно отнести в фэнтези-реализму, символизму, романтизму. Предпочитаю создавать вымышленные образы, персонажей и сюжеты.
Boutique de l'artiste
Shirobokov Sergey
Nombre de produits: 2
Sergey Shirobokov (né en 1989)
Boutique Shirobokov Sergey
Sergey Shirobokov
Привет, меня зовут Сергей. Я живу и работаю в Москве. На данный момент я профессионально занимаюсь художественной татуировкой и живописью. Имею два художественных образования, одно высшее. Люблю писать картины маслом и постоянно развиваюсь в этом направлении. Мой стиль можно отнести в фэнтези-реализму, символизму, романтизму. Предпочитаю создавать вымышленные образы, персонажей и сюжеты.
Boutique de l'artiste
Shirobokov Sergey
Nombre de produits: 2
Солнечный ветер со дна дисфории (Solar Wind from the Bottom of Dysphoria)
Pavel Korzukhin (né en 1967)
Boutique Korzukhin Pavel
Pavel Korzukhin
В создаваемых мною композициях нет изображений видимой реальности, в них передаются ее образы. Такая особенность уподобляет их иконам. Я стараюсь передать сакральное безмолвие жизни. Не только акустическую, но и внутреннюю тишину, наполняющую все вокруг. Вечное Здесь и бесконечное Сейчас – вот два главных героя любых моих картин. В них можно войти, если постараться смолкнуть и забыть всё, о чем знал до настоящего момента. Положительный опыт созерцания этих композиций посылает душе исцеляющий импульс, сила воздействия которого иногда сравнима с церковной службой, глубокой медитацией или успешным визитом к психоаналитику.
In the compositions I create, there are no images of visible reality, they convey its images. This feature likens them to ikons. I try to convey the sacred silence of life. Not only acoustic, but also inner silence that fills everything around. Eternal Here and infinite Now - these are the two main characters of any of my paintings. You can enter them if you try to fall silent and forget everything you knew about until now. The positive experience of contemplating these compositions sends a healing impulse to the soul, the impact of which is sometimes comparable to a church service, deep meditation or a successful visit to a psychoanalyst.
Boutique de l'artiste
Korzukhin Pavel
Nombre de produits: 23
GOLDEN WINGS textural acrylic abstraction
Mary Romanova (né en 1986)
Boutique Romanova Mary
Mary Romanova
My name is Mary Romanova, I’m an Artist from Russia. I was born on May 17, 1986. As a child, I drew always and everywhere, on any surface - at home on tables, wallpaper, doors, in the entrance on the walls, even on the ceiling! I've always liked big sizes, bright colors, and bold images.
In 2003, I successfully graduated from College with a degree in design and from the Fine Arts School in Izhevsk. I continued to improve, get new knowledge and skills. So with honors, I graduated from the state Academy of Culture and Arts in Samara in 2008.
In 2009, I successfully graduated from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University, Department of Transcultural Communications.
I specialize in interior art, working in various techniques via modern trends, exploring materials possibilities, and different approaches to painting.
I represent the most daring and relevant solutions for decorating your home walls. Abstract paintings are universal, and this is their main advantage over other styles. A large degree of artistic freedom and the absence of stylistic frames allows my artwork to fit into any interior. I prefer to work with acrylic and texture paste.
I sincerely believe that the need for beauty and creativity that embodies it, the ability to find the unusual in everyday life is the essence of human nature, the secret of harmony, and the emotional balance of the individual. In my artworks, I share how I see our world. Here I can allow myself to be completely honest.
I’m inspired by beautiful sunsets, the azure sea, travel to new lands, and of course my lovely family. Fitness gives me power and energy.
I opened an Art Studio "MARY ART ROOM" in the summer of 2019. My paintings adorn the home interiors of collectors around the world, create a pleasant atmosphere in company offices, place bright accents in the halls of cafes and restaurants, and are part of hotels interior decor.
Welcome to my world! A world where dreams become reality on canvas!
Boutique de l'artiste
Romanova Mary
Nombre de produits: 10
RIBEIRA de ODELEITE textural acrylic abstraction
Mary Romanova (né en 1986)
Boutique Romanova Mary
Mary Romanova
My name is Mary Romanova, I’m an Artist from Russia. I was born on May 17, 1986. As a child, I drew always and everywhere, on any surface - at home on tables, wallpaper, doors, in the entrance on the walls, even on the ceiling! I've always liked big sizes, bright colors, and bold images.
In 2003, I successfully graduated from College with a degree in design and from the Fine Arts School in Izhevsk. I continued to improve, get new knowledge and skills. So with honors, I graduated from the state Academy of Culture and Arts in Samara in 2008.
In 2009, I successfully graduated from Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University, Department of Transcultural Communications.
I specialize in interior art, working in various techniques via modern trends, exploring materials possibilities, and different approaches to painting.
I represent the most daring and relevant solutions for decorating your home walls. Abstract paintings are universal, and this is their main advantage over other styles. A large degree of artistic freedom and the absence of stylistic frames allows my artwork to fit into any interior. I prefer to work with acrylic and texture paste.
I sincerely believe that the need for beauty and creativity that embodies it, the ability to find the unusual in everyday life is the essence of human nature, the secret of harmony, and the emotional balance of the individual. In my artworks, I share how I see our world. Here I can allow myself to be completely honest.
I’m inspired by beautiful sunsets, the azure sea, travel to new lands, and of course my lovely family. Fitness gives me power and energy.
I opened an Art Studio "MARY ART ROOM" in the summer of 2019. My paintings adorn the home interiors of collectors around the world, create a pleasant atmosphere in company offices, place bright accents in the halls of cafes and restaurants, and are part of hotels interior decor.
Welcome to my world! A world where dreams become reality on canvas!
Boutique de l'artiste
Romanova Mary
Nombre de produits: 10