435 Articles aux enchères et des galeries:
dragon painting
Dragon Queen
Lilit Shintaro (né en 1986)
Boutique Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Boutique de l'artiste
Shintaro Lilit
Nombre de produits: 26
Alexandre Ab (né en 1976)
Boutique Ab Alexandre
Alexandre Ab
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.
Boutique de l'artiste
Ab Alexandre
Nombre de produits: 37
Imagine Dragon - Silver Dragon
Vera DG (né en 1983)
Boutique DG Vera
Vera DG
• Vera DG • Official member of the Ukrainian Pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale • Speaker of I’M Design Conference • Participant the Year of Tolerance in Dubai • Independent visual artist • Modern calligrapher • Portraitist • Figurative painter •
«Art is a way of expressing my experiences in the world. It is interesting to understand the world in different ways, and from different points of view. That is why I am a multi-disciplinary artist, and I am working on various techniques and styles. Wall painting, calligraphy, graffiti, monumental graphics, aerography, body painting, illustration, comics are areas I focus on» Vera DG
Since 2016 Vera lives and works in Istanbul. She came to study calligraphy to the ancient city which unites East and West. Therefore, in Vera’s works of the last two years, there are so many influences of Arab and Iranian calligraphy, and at the same time, Vera connects in her artworks Oriental calligraphy with western European styles. It is a mix of characters, symbols, which acquires a special meaning and content.
Vera works in the worldwide-known style of Calligraffiti, which unites calligraphy and graffiti.
To discover more information about the artist, please, visit the site: veradg.com
Boutique de l'artiste
DG Vera
Nombre de produits: 21
,,Глаз дракона,, ,,Eye of the Dragon,,
Nika Tartakovskaya (né en 1974)
Boutique Tartakovskaya Nika
Nika Tartakovskaya
ление, посвящённое живописи. Каждое
полотно и коллекция неповторимы, соз-
даются, как правило, на заказ и находятся
в частных коллекциях по всему миру. Вла-
дельцами полотен Ники являются народ-
ные артисты России, бизнесмены, предста-
вители государственной власти и крупных
корпораций, коллекционеры, меценаты и
эксперты мирового уровня. Обладатели
картин утверждают, что работы художницы
приносят счастье не только от эстетическо-
го наслаждения.
Всего на сегодняшний день существует
одиннадцать готовых коллекций.
to painting. Each painting and collection
is unique, made to order and can be found in
private collections worldwide. Nika’s works are
held by the national Russian actors, businessmen,
government officials and employees of
large corporations, private collectors, patrons
of art and international art critics. The owners
of these paintings say that they generate not
only aesthetic pleasure, but also real happiness.
Today there exist eleven complete collections.
Boutique de l'artiste
Tartakovskaya Nika
Nombre de produits: 7
Vente aux enchères 100-III. Sculptures. Peintures de maîtres anciens
Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
Vente aux enchères 100-III. Sculptures. Peintures de maîtres anciens
Date: 14.03.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Nombre de lots dans le catalogue: 984