Adalbert Waagen (1833 - 1898) - photo 1

Adalbert Waagen

Adalbert Waagen is a German landscape painter. Studied in Munich and Milan. In Munich he founded his studio. In 1869 he moved with his wife to Berchtesgaden and opened a studio with a direct view of Mount Wachsmann. The artist received commissions from all over Europe. His focus was on landscapes, primarily mountains. His work can be seen in the Martin von Wagner Museum, the Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg and the Munich City Museum.

Date and place of birt:30 march 1833, Munich, Germany
Date and place of death:15 april 1898, Berchtesgaden, Germany
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter
Genre:Mountain landscape

Creators Germany

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Fritz Kronenberg (1901 - 1960)
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1901 - 1960
Wilhelm Ferdinand Pauwels (1830 - 1904)
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1830 - 1904
Georg Philipp Rugendas I (1666 - 1742)
Georg Philipp Rugendas I
1666 - 1742
Arnold Balwé (1898 - 1983)
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1898 - 1983
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1691 - 1760
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1857 - 1949
Ekaterina Zacharova (1968)
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Hugo Ohme (1873 - 1952)
Hugo Ohme
1873 - 1952
Robert McNally (1982)
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Alfred Knispel (1898 - 1945)
Alfred Knispel
1898 - 1945
Ernst Moritz Geyger (1861 - 1941)
Ernst Moritz Geyger
1861 - 1941
Dieter Roth (1930 - 1998)
Dieter Roth
1930 - 1998
Johann Zick (1702 - 1762)
Johann Zick
1702 - 1762
Jo Niemeyer (1946)
Jo Niemeyer
Yevgeny Viktorovich Vuchetich (1908 - 1974)
Yevgeny Viktorovich Vuchetich
1908 - 1974