Albert Joseph Franke (1860 - 1924)

Albert Joseph Franke (1860 - 1924) - photo 1

Albert Joseph Franke

Albert Joseph Franke was a German Orientalist and genre artist.

Date and place of birt:27 november 1860, Budziszow, Poland
Date and place of death:4 may 1924, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Painter
Art school / group:Munich School
Genre:Genre art, Landscape painting, Portrait
Art style:Orientalism, Rococo

Creators Germany

Walter Lothar Brendel (1923 - 2013)
Walter Lothar Brendel
1923 - 2013
Cosmas Damian Asam (1686 - 1739)
Cosmas Damian Asam
1686 - 1739
Erwin Bechtold (1925 - 2022)
Erwin Bechtold
1925 - 2022
Vera Lwowski (1923)
Vera Lwowski
Adolf Ziegler (1892 - 1959)
Adolf Ziegler
1892 - 1959
Gustav Kluge (1947)
Gustav Kluge
Erich Hauser (1930 - 2004)
Erich Hauser
1930 - 2004
Adalbert Begas (1836 - 1888)
Adalbert Begas
1836 - 1888
Anton Gutknecht (1907 - 1988)
Anton Gutknecht
1907 - 1988
Ulf Petermann (1950)
Ulf Petermann
Matthäus Seutter (1678 - 1757)
Matthäus Seutter
1678 - 1757
Anton Klamroth (1860 - 1929)
Anton Klamroth
1860 - 1929
Fritz Flinte (1876 - 1963)
Fritz Flinte
1876 - 1963
Karl Adam Heinisch (1847 - 1923)
Karl Adam Heinisch
1847 - 1923
Gotthard Kuehl (1850 - 1915)
Gotthard Kuehl
1850 - 1915
Christian Schad (1894 - 1982)
Christian Schad
1894 - 1982

Creators Orientalism

François Octavien (1682 - 1740)
François Octavien
1682 - 1740
Charles Amédée Philippe van Loo (1719 - 1795)
Charles Amédée Philippe van Loo
1719 - 1795
Max Rabes (1868 - 1944)
Max Rabes
1868 - 1944
Nicola Peccheneda (1725 - 1804)
Nicola Peccheneda
1725 - 1804
Nasreddine Dinet (1861 - 1929)
Nasreddine Dinet
1861 - 1929
Anton Mikhailovich Legashov (1798 - 1865)
Anton Mikhailovich Legashov
1798 - 1865
Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (1714 - 1789)
Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre
1714 - 1789
Frederick Vonham ()
Frederick Vonham
Jean-Baptiste Oudry (1686 - 1755)
Jean-Baptiste Oudry
1686 - 1755
Giovanni Battista Lorenzi (1741 - 1773)
Giovanni Battista Lorenzi
1741 - 1773
Eugène Siberdt (1851 - 1931)
Eugène Siberdt
1851 - 1931
Carl Haag (1820 - 1915)
Carl Haag
1820 - 1915
Carlo Innocenzo Carlone (1687 - 1775)
Carlo Innocenzo Carlone
1687 - 1775
Ferdinand Max Bredt (1860 - 1921)
Ferdinand Max Bredt
1860 - 1921
Kurt Kühn (1880 - 1957)
Kurt Kühn
1880 - 1957
Manuel Garcia-Rodriguez (1863 - 1925)
Manuel Garcia-Rodriguez
1863 - 1925