Antoine Mirou (1578 - 1661) - photo 1

Antoine Mirou

Antoine, or Anton Mirou, was a Flemish Baroque landscape painter of the Frankenthal school. He is known for his wooded and rocky landscapes and landscapes with populated villages. Antoine Mirou was also a topographical draftsman whose views were widely disseminated through prints.


Date and place of birt:1578, Antwerp, Belgium
Date and place of death:1661, Frankenthal, Germany
Nationality:Belgium, Flanders, Spanish Netherlands
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Painter
Art school / group:Frankenthal school
Genre:Landscape painting, Rural landscape
Art style:Baroque

Creators Belgium

Jan Antoon Neuhuys (1832 - 1891)
Jan Antoon Neuhuys
1832 - 1891
Omer Dierickx (1862 - 1939)
Omer Dierickx
1862 - 1939
Hans Memling (1430 - 1494)
Hans Memling
1430 - 1494
Victor Eeckhout (1821 - 1879)
Victor Eeckhout
1821 - 1879
Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès (1880 - 1958)
Adrien Jean Le Mayeur de Merprès
1880 - 1958
Pieter van Lint (1609 - 1690)
Pieter van Lint
1609 - 1690
Louis Gustave Cambier (1874 - 1949)
Louis Gustave Cambier
1874 - 1949
Jacob van der Heyden (1573 - 1645)
Jacob van der Heyden
1573 - 1645
John Nost (1660 - 1711)
John Nost
1660 - 1711
Marcel Louis Baugniet (1896 - 1995)
Marcel Louis Baugniet
1896 - 1995
Raphael Coxie (1540 - 1616)
Raphael Coxie
1540 - 1616
Jean-Michel Cels (1819 - 1894)
Jean-Michel Cels
1819 - 1894
Jan Verhoeven (1600 - 1676)
Jan Verhoeven
1600 - 1676
Jacques Joseph Eckhout (1793 - 1861)
Jacques Joseph Eckhout
1793 - 1861
Kool Koor (1963)
Kool Koor
Bram Bogart (1921 - 2012)
Bram Bogart
1921 - 2012

Creators Baroque

Reyer Claesz. Suycker (1590 - 1653)
Reyer Claesz. Suycker
1590 - 1653
Francesco Maria Raineri (1676 - 1758)
Francesco Maria Raineri
1676 - 1758
Pietro Bellotti (1627 - 1700)
Pietro Bellotti
1627 - 1700
Pieter Neefs l (1578 - 1661)
Pieter Neefs l
1578 - 1661
Johan Matthias Schöning (XVIII century - ?)
Johan Matthias Schöning
XVIII century - ?
Francesco Monti (il Brescianino) (1646 - 1712)
Francesco Monti (il Brescianino)
1646 - 1712
Willem Jacob Herreyns II (1743 - 1827)
Willem Jacob Herreyns II
1743 - 1827
Florent Willems (1823 - 1905)
Florent Willems
1823 - 1905
Bernard Picart (1673 - 1733)
Bernard Picart
1673 - 1733
Cornelis Kruys (1619 - 1660)
Cornelis Kruys
1619 - 1660
Alexander van Bredael (1633 - 1720)
Alexander van Bredael
1633 - 1720
Giovanni Enrico Vaymer (1665 - 1738)
Giovanni Enrico Vaymer
1665 - 1738
Gillis van Tilborgh II (1625 - 1678)
Gillis van Tilborgh II
1625 - 1678
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593 - 1653)
Artemisia Gentileschi
1593 - 1653
Thomas de Keyser (1596 - 1667)
Thomas de Keyser
1596 - 1667
Gerard ter Borch (1617 - 1681)
Gerard ter Borch
1617 - 1681