Arthur Rimbaud (1854 - 1891) - photo 1

Arthur Rimbaud

Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud was a French poet. He wrote poetry only in his early youth and withdrew after 1873. He was known for his pioneering contributions to Symbolist poetry and his unconventional approach to writing.

Arthur Rimbaud's poetry, written in his teens, challenged the conventional wisdom of poetry and included themes of love, spirituality and exploration of self. His work is characterized by its vivid imagery, strong emotions and innovative use of language.

In his poetry, Rimbaud departed radically from traditional forms and techniques, incorporating surrealist and visionary elements. He sought to push the boundaries of language and experience, often blurring the line between reality and imagination.

Date and place of birt:20 october 1854, Charleville-Mézières, France
Date and place of death:10 november 1891, Marseille, France
Period of activity: XIX century
Art style:Symbolism

Creators France

Ariel Moscovici (1956)
Ariel Moscovici
Abraham Rattner (1895 - 1978)
Abraham Rattner
1895 - 1978
Chafic Abboud (1926 - 2004)
Chafic Abboud
1926 - 2004
Renée Vivien (1877 - 1909)
Renée Vivien
1877 - 1909
Albert Marquet (1875 - 1947)
Albert Marquet
1875 - 1947
Wilhelm Koller (1829 - 1884)
Wilhelm Koller
1829 - 1884
Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin (1809 - 1864)
Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin
1809 - 1864
Jean-Baptiste Huet (1745 - 1811)
Jean-Baptiste Huet
1745 - 1811
Victor Koulbak (1946)
Victor Koulbak
François Octavien (1682 - 1740)
François Octavien
1682 - 1740
Max Band (1901 - 1974)
Max Band
1901 - 1974
Sergej Mixajlovich Prokudin-Gorskij (1863 - 1944)
Sergej Mixajlovich Prokudin-Gorskij
1863 - 1944
Maria Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva (1858 - 1884)
Maria Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva
1858 - 1884
George Alfred Bottini (1874 - 1907)
George Alfred Bottini
1874 - 1907
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
Leonardo da Vinci
1452 - 1519
Jacques Raymond Brascassat (1804 - 1867)
Jacques Raymond Brascassat
1804 - 1867

Creators Symbolism

Kurt Mikula (1928)
Kurt Mikula
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (1824 - 1898)
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
1824 - 1898
Boris Petrovich Sveshnikov (1927 - 1998)
Boris Petrovich Sveshnikov
1927 - 1998
Elisabeth Sonrel (1874 - 1953)
Elisabeth Sonrel
1874 - 1953
Carlos Schwabe (1866 - 1926)
Carlos Schwabe
1866 - 1926
Franz von Bayros (1866 - 1924)
Franz von Bayros
1866 - 1924
Shimon Holloshi (1857 - 1918)
Shimon Holloshi
1857 - 1918
Boris Georgievich Birger (1923 - 2001)
Boris Georgievich Birger
1923 - 2001
Aleksandr Evgenevich Iakovlev (1887 - 1938)
Aleksandr Evgenevich Iakovlev
1887 - 1938
Georges Dussau (1947)
Georges Dussau
Jim Shaw (1952)
Jim Shaw
Egon Schiele (1890 - 1918)
Egon Schiele
1890 - 1918
Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova (1884 - 1967)
Zinaida Yevgenyevna Serebriakova
1884 - 1967
Max Klinger (1857 - 1920)
Max Klinger
1857 - 1920
Khaled Hafez (1963)
Khaled Hafez
Oliver Clegg (1980)
Oliver Clegg