Carlo Bononi (1569 - 1632) - photo 1

Carlo Bononi

Date and place of birt:1569, Ferrara, Italy
Date and place of death:3 september 1632, Ferrara, Italy
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:School of Ferrara
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Naturalism, Renaissance

Creators Naturalism

Nikolaos Tzafouris (1468 - 1501)
Nikolaos Tzafouris
1468 - 1501
Vojtech Marx (1885 - 1963)
Vojtech Marx
1885 - 1963
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 - 1446)
Filippo Brunelleschi
1377 - 1446
Bruno Lilyefors (1860 - 1939)
Bruno Lilyefors
1860 - 1939
Gottlieb Daniel Paul Weber (1823 - 1916)
Gottlieb Daniel Paul Weber
1823 - 1916
Giacomo Pacchiarotti (1474 - 1540)
Giacomo Pacchiarotti
1474 - 1540
Hans Boxberger (1510 - 1561)
Hans Boxberger
1510 - 1561
Matthias Grünewald (1470 - 1528)
Matthias Grünewald
1470 - 1528
Jean Duvet (1485 - 1562)
Jean Duvet
1485 - 1562
Hans Brosamer (1495 - 1554)
Hans Brosamer
1495 - 1554
Pieter Bruegel I (1525 - 1569)
Pieter Bruegel I
1525 - 1569
Antonio Negretti (1510 - 1575)
Antonio Negretti
1510 - 1575
Evert van Orley (1491 - 1527)
Evert van Orley
1491 - 1527
Aernout Smit (1641 - 1710)
Aernout Smit
1641 - 1710
Gregorio Fernández (1576 - 1636)
Gregorio Fernández
1576 - 1636
Jakob Binck (1495 - 1569)
Jakob Binck
1495 - 1569