Carlo di Cesare del Palagio (1538 - 1598)

Carlo di Cesare del Palagio (1538 - 1598) - photo 1

Carlo di Cesare del Palagio

Date and place of birt:25 january 1538, Florence, Italy
Date and place of death:22 august 1598, Italy
Period of activity: XVI century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:Portrait sculpture, Religious genre, Монументальная скульптура
Art style:Renaissance

Auction prices Carlo di Cesare del Palagio

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Creators Renaissance

Francesco Segala (1535 - 1592)
Francesco Segala
1535 - 1592
Israhel van Meckenem (1445 - 1503)
Israhel van Meckenem
1445 - 1503
Marcantonio Raimondi (1480 - 1534)
Marcantonio Raimondi
1480 - 1534
Polidoro da Caravaggio (1499 - 1543)
Polidoro da Caravaggio
1499 - 1543
Francesco Guicciardini (1483 - 1540)
Francesco Guicciardini
1483 - 1540
Bernardo Zenale (1463 - 1525)
Bernardo Zenale
1463 - 1525
Hendrick van Cleve III (1525 - 1590)
Hendrick van Cleve III
1525 - 1590
Robert Boyvin (? - ?)
Robert Boyvin
? - ?
Giovanni Antonio Roffeni (1580 - 1643)
Giovanni Antonio Roffeni
1580 - 1643
Michael Damaskenos (1530 - 1592)
Michael Damaskenos
1530 - 1592
Germain Pilon (1525 - 1590)
Germain Pilon
1525 - 1590
Bartolomeo Montagna (1450 - 1523)
Bartolomeo Montagna
1450 - 1523
Marcus Gerards II (1561 - 1636)
Marcus Gerards II
1561 - 1636
Jacob de Backer (1555 - 1585)
Jacob de Backer
1555 - 1585
Marcellus Coffermans (1520 - 1578)
Marcellus Coffermans
1520 - 1578
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547 - 1616)
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1547 - 1616