Christoph Jacob Trew (1695 - 1769)

Christoph Jacob Trew (1695 - 1769) - photo 1

Christoph Jacob Trew

Christoph Jacob Trew was a German botanist.

He was originally a city solicitor, court physician, Count Palatine of the Holy Roman Empire, an advisor to the Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. He also had an academic passion for botany. He was a member of the Royal Society of London, the Berlin Academy, and the Florentine Botanical Society. His interest in botany then led him to sponsor the publication of illustrated botanical books.


Date and place of birt:16 april 1695, Lauf an der Pegnitz, Germany
Date and place of death:18 july 1769, Nuremberg, Germany
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Anatomist, Botanist, Doctor, Naturalist

Creators Germany

Ludvig Skramstad (1855 - 1912)
Ludvig Skramstad
1855 - 1912
Nikolaus Knüpfer (1609 - 1655)
Nikolaus Knüpfer
1609 - 1655
Albert Flamm (1823 - 1906)
Albert Flamm
1823 - 1906
Werner Heuser (1880 - 1964)
Werner Heuser
1880 - 1964
Hermann Petzet (1860 - 1935)
Hermann Petzet
1860 - 1935
Olof August Andreas Jernberg (1855 - 1935)
Olof August Andreas Jernberg
1855 - 1935
Erik Richter (1889 - 1981)
Erik Richter
1889 - 1981
Arnold Lyongrün (1871 - 1935)
Arnold Lyongrün
1871 - 1935
Wilhelm Krieger (1877 - 1945)
Wilhelm Krieger
1877 - 1945
Johann Peter Theodor Janssen (1844 - 1908)
Johann Peter Theodor Janssen
1844 - 1908
Nelson Kinsley (1863 - 1945)
Nelson Kinsley
1863 - 1945
Georg Hänel (1879 - 1945)
Georg Hänel
1879 - 1945
Petrus Wandrey (1939 - 2012)
Petrus Wandrey
1939 - 2012
Helmut Dirnaichner (1942)
Helmut Dirnaichner
Karl Bolz (1877 - 1954)
Karl Bolz
1877 - 1954
Eduard Kurzbauer (1840 - 1879)
Eduard Kurzbauer
1840 - 1879