Cosima von Bonin (1962) - photo 1

Cosima von Bonin

Cosima von Bonin is a German contemporary artist. Von Bonin's practice features the use of sculptures, textiles, sound, film and performances. von Bonin draws inspiration from the intellectual, artistic, and musical culture of her neighborhood in Cologne, Germany, where she lives and works.

One focus of von Bonin's artistic works is the relationship between works of art and the world of fashion, music and architecture. She often focuses on collective artistic production frequently including collaboration with other artists as well as parties, DJ sets, music performances and audio and video exhibitions. The exhibitions are of an ephemeral nature intended to reject the classical idea of the individual artistic genius.


Date and place of birt:1962, Mombasa, Kenya
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Educator, Photographer
Genre:Performance art, Инсталляция
Art style:Conceptual art, Contemporary art
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Creators Germany

Johann Georg Valentin Ruths (1825 - 1905)
Johann Georg Valentin Ruths
1825 - 1905
Max Clarenbach (1880 - 1952)
Max Clarenbach
1880 - 1952
Karl Stirner (1882 - 1943)
Karl Stirner
1882 - 1943
Charline von Heyl (1960)
Charline von Heyl
Max Fuhrmann I (1860 - 1908)
Max Fuhrmann I
1860 - 1908
Roswitha Steinkopf (1951)
Roswitha Steinkopf
Ludwig Thiersch (1825 - 1909)
Ludwig Thiersch
1825 - 1909
Petrus von Rosenheim (1380 - 1441)
Petrus von Rosenheim
1380 - 1441
Nikolaus von Georgi (1940)
Nikolaus von Georgi
Otmar Alt (1940)
Otmar Alt
Sigrid Nienstedt (1962)
Sigrid Nienstedt
Johann Karl Hetz (1828 - 1899)
Johann Karl Hetz
1828 - 1899
Luise Kimme (1939 - 2013)
Luise Kimme
1939 - 2013
Andreas Kramer (1959)
Andreas Kramer
Roger Loewig (1930 - 1997)
Roger Loewig
1930 - 1997
Adolf Hölzel (1853 - 1934)
Adolf Hölzel
1853 - 1934

Creators Conceptual art

Robert Carston Arneson (1930 - 1992)
Robert Carston Arneson
1930 - 1992
Ekatherina Savchenko (1965)
Ekatherina Savchenko
Helga Kneidl (1939)
Helga Kneidl
John Trickett (1953)
John Trickett
Vladimir Veličković (1935 - 2019)
Vladimir Veličković
1935 - 2019
Konrad Paul Kujau (1938 - 2000)
Konrad Paul Kujau
1938 - 2000
Jun Hasegawa (1969)
Jun Hasegawa
Michal Bylina (1904 - 1992)
Michal Bylina
1904 - 1992
Norman Lewis (1909 - 1979)
Norman Lewis
1909 - 1979
Alexander Besel (1971)
Alexander Besel
Ryszard Wasko (1947)
Ryszard Wasko
Jack Vanarsky (1936 - 2009)
Jack Vanarsky
1936 - 2009
Philip Grausman (1935)
Philip Grausman
Uwe Lindau (1950 - 2022)
Uwe Lindau
1950 - 2022
Humberto Campana (1953)
Humberto Campana
Otto Behrens (1918 - 1970)
Otto Behrens
1918 - 1970