Étienne Colaud (Collault) (1542)

Étienne Colaud (Collault) (1542) - photo 1

Étienne Colaud (Collault)

Date and place of death:July 1542, Paris, France
Period of activity: XV, XVI century
Art school / group:French school
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:High Renaissance
Étienne Colaud (fl. c.1512-41) - Auction prices

Auction prices Étienne Colaud (Collault)

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Creators France

Hiacynt Alchimowicz (1841 - 1897)
Hiacynt Alchimowicz
1841 - 1897
Sonia Delaunay-Terk (1885 - 1979)
Sonia Delaunay-Terk
1885 - 1979
Boris Grigoriev (1886 - 1939)
Boris Grigoriev
1886 - 1939
Pablo Curatella Manes (1891 - 1962)
Pablo Curatella Manes
1891 - 1962
Hippolyte Pierre Delanoy (1849 - 1899)
Hippolyte Pierre Delanoy
1849 - 1899
Tadeusz Makowski (1882 - 1932)
Tadeusz Makowski
1882 - 1932
François Marius Granet (1775 - 1849)
François Marius Granet
1775 - 1849
Jacques Roettiers (1707 - 1784)
Jacques Roettiers
1707 - 1784
Michel Guillet (1946)
Michel Guillet
Émile-Aubert Lessore (1805 - 1876)
Émile-Aubert Lessore
1805 - 1876
Marc Chagall (1887 - 1985)
Marc Chagall
1887 - 1985
Valérie Belin (1964)
Valérie Belin
Pierre Tal-Coat (1905 - 1985)
Pierre Tal-Coat
1905 - 1985
Andre Planson (1898 - 1981)
Andre Planson
1898 - 1981
Georg Alexander Morawetz (1923 - 1964)
Georg Alexander Morawetz
1923 - 1964
Nikolai Nikolayevich Evreinov (1879 - 1953)
Nikolai Nikolayevich Evreinov
1879 - 1953

Creators High Renaissance

Camillo Rizzi (1590 - 1626)
Camillo Rizzi
1590 - 1626
Jacopino del Conte (1515 - 1598)
Jacopino del Conte
1515 - 1598
Attavante degli Attavanti (1452 - 1525)
Attavante degli Attavanti
1452 - 1525
Peter Candid (1548 - 1628)
Peter Candid
1548 - 1628
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)
Leonardo da Vinci
1452 - 1519
Ippolito Scarsella (1560 - 1620)
Ippolito Scarsella
1560 - 1620
Andrea Meldolla (1510 - 1563)
Andrea Meldolla
1510 - 1563
Francesco Melanzio (1460 - 1526)
Francesco Melanzio
1460 - 1526
Gaetano Zompini (1700 - 1778)
Gaetano Zompini
1700 - 1778
Francesco Bassano II (1549 - 1592)
Francesco Bassano II
1549 - 1592
Hans Baldung (1484 - 1545)
Hans Baldung
1484 - 1545
Vincenzo Foppa (1427 - 1515)
Vincenzo Foppa
1427 - 1515
Jan Kraeck (1540 - 1607)
Jan Kraeck
1540 - 1607
Francesco Melzi (1491 - 1567)
Francesco Melzi
1491 - 1567
Domenico Tibaldi (1541 - 1583)
Domenico Tibaldi
1541 - 1583
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo (1480 - 1540)
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
1480 - 1540