Giovan Battista Langetti (1625 - 1676)

Giovan Battista Langetti (1625 - 1676) - photo 1

Giovan Battista Langetti

Date and place of birt:1625, Venice, Italy
Date and place of death:22 october 1676, Venice, Italy
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Karavagism, Tenebrism

Creators Baroque

Johann Liss (1597 - 1631)
Johann Liss
1597 - 1631
Antonio Giusti (1624 - 1705)
Antonio Giusti
1624 - 1705
Jacob van Geel (1585 - 1648)
Jacob van Geel
1585 - 1648
Giovanni Paolo Castelli (1659 - 1730)
Giovanni Paolo Castelli
1659 - 1730
Achille Jacques Devéria (1800 - 1857)
Achille Jacques Devéria
1800 - 1857
Claude Lorrain (1600 - 1682)
Claude Lorrain
1600 - 1682
Teresa Del Pò (1649 - 1716)
Teresa Del Pò
1649 - 1716
Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo (1629 - 1693)
Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo
1629 - 1693
Gerard ter Borch (1617 - 1681)
Gerard ter Borch
1617 - 1681
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)
Johann Sebastian Bach
1685 - 1750
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky (1810 - 1885)
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky
1810 - 1885
Pieter Hermansz. Verelst (1618 - 1678)
Pieter Hermansz. Verelst
1618 - 1678
Mathys Schoevaerdts (1665 - 1703)
Mathys Schoevaerdts
1665 - 1703
Charles Bird King (1785 - 1862)
Charles Bird King
1785 - 1862
Joaquim Juncosa (1631 - 1708)
Joaquim Juncosa
1631 - 1708
Giovan Francesco Gessi (1588 - 1649)
Giovan Francesco Gessi
1588 - 1649