Giovanni Battista Caracciolo (1578 - 1635)

Giovanni Battista Caracciolo (1578 - 1635) - photo 1

Giovanni Battista Caracciolo

Giovanni Battista Caracciolo, known as Battistello Caracciolo, was an early Baroque Italian painter.

Caracciolo was a follower of Caravaggio, a style that became the foundation for his work. He painted paintings and frescoes with scenes on religious themes.

Date and place of birt:7 december 1578, Naples, Italy
Date and place of death:24 december 1635, Naples, Italy
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Karavagism
Tobias and the Angel - Auction prices

Auction prices Giovanni Battista Caracciolo

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Creators Italy

Viviano Codazzi (1604 - 1670)
Viviano Codazzi
1604 - 1670
Fyodor Yakovlevich Alekseyev (1753 - 1824)
Fyodor Yakovlevich Alekseyev
1753 - 1824
Friedrich Geselschap (1835 - 1898)
Friedrich Geselschap
1835 - 1898
Giovanni Francesco Venturini (1650 - 1710)
Giovanni Francesco Venturini
1650 - 1710
Paolo Lomazzi (1936)
Paolo Lomazzi
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564)
Michelangelo Buonarroti
1475 - 1564
Francesco Fidanza (1747 - 1819)
Francesco Fidanza
1747 - 1819
Karoly Marko (1822 - 1891)
Karoly Marko
1822 - 1891
Mario Rutelli (1859 - 1941)
Mario Rutelli
1859 - 1941
Francesco Penso (Cabianca) (1666 - 1737)
Francesco Penso (Cabianca)
1666 - 1737
Giuseppe Ajmone (1923 - 2005)
Giuseppe Ajmone
1923 - 2005
Clemente Spera (1662 - 1742)
Clemente Spera
1662 - 1742
Giacomo Pacchiarotti (1474 - 1540)
Giacomo Pacchiarotti
1474 - 1540
Vincenzo Migliaro (1858 - 1938)
Vincenzo Migliaro
1858 - 1938
Baldassare Franceschini (Il Volterrano) (1611 - 1689)
Baldassare Franceschini (Il Volterrano)
1611 - 1689
Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1859 - 1933)
Vittorio Matteo Corcos
1859 - 1933

Creators Baroque

François Rémond (1747 - 1812)
François Rémond
1747 - 1812
Philibert-Louis Debucourt (1755 - 1832)
Philibert-Louis Debucourt
1755 - 1832
Cesare Pronti (1626 - 1708)
Cesare Pronti
1626 - 1708
Marcantonio Bellavia (XVII century - ?)
Marcantonio Bellavia
XVII century - ?
Jacob Leyssens (1661 - 1710)
Jacob Leyssens
1661 - 1710
Pedro Roldán (1624 - 1699)
Pedro Roldán
1624 - 1699
Willem de Heusch (1625 - 1692)
Willem de Heusch
1625 - 1692
Pietro Negri (1628 - 1679)
Pietro Negri
1628 - 1679
Jacob van Geel (1585 - 1648)
Jacob van Geel
1585 - 1648
Pieter van Lint (1609 - 1690)
Pieter van Lint
1609 - 1690
Daniel Seghers (1590 - 1661)
Daniel Seghers
1590 - 1661
Giuseppe Antonio Caccioli (1672 - 1740)
Giuseppe Antonio Caccioli
1672 - 1740
Christoffer Suhr (1771 - 1842)
Christoffer Suhr
1771 - 1842
Francis Lepipre (1640 - 1695)
Francis Lepipre
1640 - 1695
Osias Beert I (1580 - 1623)
Osias Beert I
1580 - 1623
Franz Lorenz Viechter (1664 - 1716)
Franz Lorenz Viechter
1664 - 1716