Giovanni Battista Pedrozzi (1711 - 1778)

Giovanni Battista Pedrozzi (1711 - 1778) - photo 1

Giovanni Battista Pedrozzi

Date and place of birt:15 september 1711, Pregassona, Switzerland
Date and place of death:5 may 1778, Pregassona, Switzerland
Nationality:Germany, Switzerland
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Animalist, Artist, Porcelain modeler, Sculptor
Art style:Rococo

Creators Germany

Hans-Peter Feldmann (1941)
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Christoph Amberger (1505 - 1562)
Christoph Amberger
1505 - 1562
Anna Tessenow (1978)
Anna Tessenow
Otto Gleichmann (1887 - 1963)
Otto Gleichmann
1887 - 1963
Karin Witte (1939)
Karin Witte
Dieter Blum (1936)
Dieter Blum
Micha Brendel (1959)
Micha Brendel
Erich Heckel (1883 - 1970)
Erich Heckel
1883 - 1970
Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler (1802 - 1848)
Ludwig Michael Schwanthaler
1802 - 1848
Jean-André Reiche (1752 - 1817)
Jean-André Reiche
1752 - 1817
Werner Gothein (1890 - 1968)
Werner Gothein
1890 - 1968
Anton Stankowski (1906 - 1998)
Anton Stankowski
1906 - 1998
Otto Pankok (1893 - 1966)
Otto Pankok
1893 - 1966
Carl Bantzer (1857 - 1941)
Carl Bantzer
1857 - 1941
Manfred Schling (1951)
Manfred Schling
Richard Seewald (1889 - 1976)
Richard Seewald
1889 - 1976

Creators Rococo

Pietro Fancelli (1764 - 1850)
Pietro Fancelli
1764 - 1850
Charles Amédée Philippe van Loo (1719 - 1795)
Charles Amédée Philippe van Loo
1719 - 1795
Johannes Michel Rysbrack (1694 - 1770)
Johannes Michel Rysbrack
1694 - 1770
Antonio Balestra (1666 - 1740)
Antonio Balestra
1666 - 1740
Agostino Aglio (1777 - 1857)
Agostino Aglio
1777 - 1857
Antoine Ansiaux (1764 - 1840)
Antoine Ansiaux
1764 - 1840
August Ringler (1837 - 1918)
August Ringler
1837 - 1918
Antoine Pesne (1683 - 1757)
Antoine Pesne
1683 - 1757
Balthasar Augustin Albrecht (1687 - 1765)
Balthasar Augustin Albrecht
1687 - 1765
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (1727 - 1804)
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
1727 - 1804
Joachim Johann Nepomuk Spalowsky (1752 - 1797)
Joachim Johann Nepomuk Spalowsky
1752 - 1797
Nicolò Grassi (1682 - 1748)
Nicolò Grassi
1682 - 1748
Johann Evangelist Holzer (1709 - 1740)
Johann Evangelist Holzer
1709 - 1740
Edoardo Navone (1844 - 1912)
Edoardo Navone
1844 - 1912
Louis Caravaque (1684 - 1754)
Louis Caravaque
1684 - 1754
Giuseppe Bonito (1707 - 1789)
Giuseppe Bonito
1707 - 1789