Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574 - 1625)

Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574 - 1625) - photo 1

Giulio Cesare Procaccini

Giulio Cesare Procaccini was an illustrious Italian painter and sculptor of the Baroque period, celebrated for his dynamic and expressive works. Born in Bologna and later moving to Milan, Procaccini's artistry was deeply influenced by the emotional intensity of Mannerism and the vibrant colorism of Venetian painting, signaling the dawn of the Baroque era​​.

Procaccini's oeuvre includes significant altarpieces such as the "Circumcision" now in the Galleria Estense in Modena, and the "Last Supper" for the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato in Genoa. His collaboration with artists like Giovanni Battista Crespi and Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli under the patronage of Cardinal Federico Borromeo highlighted his pivotal role in the Milanese art scene. Moreover, Procaccini's "Ecce Homo" at the Dallas Museum of Art and "The Agony in the Garden" at the Prado Museum in Madrid exemplify his mastery in depicting religious narratives with profound emotion and technical sophistication​​​​.

Procaccini's journey through the art world was marked by his initial work as a sculptor, later transitioning to painting, where he left a lasting legacy. Commissioned to paint scenes commemorating the life of Cardinal Carlo Borromeo in Milan Cathedral, his style evolved to exhibit increased clarity and a brighter palette, indicative of his maturation as an artist. His exposure to the works of Rubens and his travels across Italy allowed him to absorb and reinterpret the stylistic elements of Caravaggio, Correggio, and Parmigianino, enriching his own artistic language​​.

Though not represented in London's National Gallery, Procaccini's paintings grace collections across Europe and beyond, with notable works in the north of England, including "The Mocking of Christ" at Museums Sheffield and "The Raising of the Cross" at the National Galleries of Scotland. These pieces demonstrate his skillful use of color and ability to convey the physical and emotional weight of biblical stories​​​​.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Giulio Cesare Procaccini represents a fascinating study in the transition from Mannerism to Baroque, embodying the emotional depth and innovative spirit of early 17th-century Italian art. His contributions to the Baroque period remain a testament to his versatility and enduring appeal.

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Date and place of birt:30 may 1574, Bologna, Italy
Date and place of death:14 november 1625, Milan, Italy
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Graphic artist, Painter, Sculptor
Genre:Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Mannerism, Old Masters
Technique:Hand graphic, Oil, Oil on canvas, Oil on panel, Сhalk

Creators Italy

Franz Ludwig Catel (1778 - 1856)
Franz Ludwig Catel
1778 - 1856
Giotto di Bondone (1267 - 1337)
Giotto di Bondone
1267 - 1337
Pio Fedi (1816 - 1892)
Pio Fedi
1816 - 1892
Paolo Scheggi (1940 - 1971)
Paolo Scheggi
1940 - 1971
Theodor Martens (1822 - 1884)
Theodor Martens
1822 - 1884
Paolo Veronese (1528 - 1588)
Paolo Veronese
1528 - 1588
Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky (1840 - 1902)
Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky
1840 - 1902
Tommaso Salini (1575 - 1625)
Tommaso Salini
1575 - 1625
Nicolas (Niccolò) Régnier (Renieri) (1591 - 1667)
Nicolas (Niccolò) Régnier (Renieri)
1591 - 1667
Andrea Di Niccolo (1440 - 1514)
Andrea Di Niccolo
1440 - 1514
Louis Boulanger (1806 - 1867)
Louis Boulanger
1806 - 1867
Alberto Garutti (1948)
Alberto Garutti
Joseph Nollekens (1737 - 1823)
Joseph Nollekens
1737 - 1823
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696 - 1770)
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
1696 - 1770
Giovanni Stefano Danedi (1612 - 1689)
Giovanni Stefano Danedi
1612 - 1689
Gianni Dova (1925 - 1991)
Gianni Dova
1925 - 1991

Creators Baroque

Pierre-Etienne Monnot (1657 - 1733)
Pierre-Etienne Monnot
1657 - 1733
Michiel van der Voort (1667 - 1737)
Michiel van der Voort
1667 - 1737
Franz Werner von Tamm (1658 - 1724)
Franz Werner von Tamm
1658 - 1724
Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry (1728 - 1796)
Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry
1728 - 1796
René Frémin (1672 - 1744)
René Frémin
1672 - 1744
Antonio González Velázquez (1723 - 1793)
Antonio González Velázquez
1723 - 1793
Aert de Gelder (1645 - 1727)
Aert de Gelder
1645 - 1727
Johannes Hals (1613 - 1654)
Johannes Hals
1613 - 1654
Pieter van der Borcht III (1604 - 1631)
Pieter van der Borcht III
1604 - 1631
Jean-François Janinet (1752 - 1814)
Jean-François Janinet
1752 - 1814
Georg Desmarees (1697 - 1776)
Georg Desmarees
1697 - 1776
Anton Wilhelm Tischbein (1730 - 1804)
Anton Wilhelm Tischbein
1730 - 1804
Louis Ferdinand Elle I (1612 - 1689)
Louis Ferdinand Elle I
1612 - 1689
Jacob Symonsz. Pynas (1592 - 1650)
Jacob Symonsz. Pynas
1592 - 1650
Jean Baptiste Vanmour (1671 - 1737)
Jean Baptiste Vanmour
1671 - 1737
Salomon Adler (1630 - 1709)
Salomon Adler
1630 - 1709