Hans Brosamer (1495 - 1554) - photo 1

Hans Brosamer

Hans Brosamer was a German draughtsman, printmaker and painter of the Renaissance period. His life has left hardly any documentary trace, other than his prints. His works include over 600 woodcuts, mostly illustrations for books of various sorts, but also a number of independent prints. He produced 38 engravings (as listed by Hollstein), and a number of drawings, mostly with his monogram. As a painter, a number of portraits of figures from the local elites, normally at half-length, are attributed to him. On account of the small size of his engravings he is counted among the Little Masters, and many of these are rather derivative of others in the group, such as Jacob Binck and Heinrich Aldegrever, and of Lucas Cranach the Elder in his portraits.


Date and place of birt:1495, Fulda, Germany
Date and place of death:1554, Erfurt, Germany
Period of activity: XVI century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Painter, Portraitist
Art school / group:Little Master
Art style:Renaissance
Brosamer , Hans - Auction prices

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Creators Renaissance

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