Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527 - 1609)

Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527 - 1609) - photo 1

Hans Vredeman de Vries

Hans Vredeman de Vries was a Netherlandish painter and printmaker, decorative artist, architect and Renaissance engineer.

After studying the works of Vitruvius and Sebastiano Serlio and putting in a great deal of labor himself, Vredeman became known throughout Europe as a specialist in perspective. As an architectural theorist, he was most famous for his varied designs of invented views of cities and buildings shown in carefully considered linear perspective. These were apparently created as models for architects.

In 1575-1586 Hans Vredeman de Vries was appointed city architect of Antwerp and was responsible for the fortifications of the city. He then worked in Hamburg, Danzig, Prague and Amsterdam. He is also known for his 1583 publication on garden design and books with many examples of ornamentation and perspective.

His son Salomon Vredeman de Vries (1556-1604) was also an artist.

Date and place of birt:1527, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Date and place of death:1609, Antwerp, Belgium
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Architect, Artist, Decorator, Engineer, Engraver
Genre:Architectural landscape
Art style:Northern Renaissance, Renaissance

Creators Northern Renaissance

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Jakob Binck (1495 - 1569)
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François Rabelais (1494 - 1553)
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 Giorgione (1477 - 1510)
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Jörg Breu I (1475 - 1537)
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1475 - 1537
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Bernardino Luini (1480 - 1532)
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1480 - 1532
Girolamo da Santacroce (1490 - 1556)
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Andrea del Castagno (1423 - 1457)
Andrea del Castagno
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