Heinrich Kühn (1866 - 1944) - photo 1

Heinrich Kühn

Carl Christian Heinrich Kühn was an Austrian–German photographer and photography pioneer.

Heinrich Kühn is regarded one of the forefathers of fine art photography, the movement that helped photography to establish itself as an art on its own. His photographs closely resemble impressionist paintings, with their frequent use of soft lighting and focus. Kühn was part of the pictorialist photographic movement.

Kühn mainly used the gum bichromate technique, applied in several layers, and thus allowing for previously unseen color tonalities.


Date and place of birt:25 february 1866, Dresden, Germany
Date and place of death:14 september 1944, Birgitz, Austria
Nationality:Austria, Germany
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Photographer
Genre:Still life, Пейзажная фотография, Портретная фотография
Art style:Black & white photo, Impressionism, Pictorialist, художественная фотография
Heinrich Kühn - Auction prices

Auction prices Heinrich Kühn

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Creators Austria

Adolf Hölzel (1853 - 1934)
Adolf Hölzel
1853 - 1934
Alfred Hrdlicka (1928 - 2009)
Alfred Hrdlicka
1928 - 2009
Ignaz Bendl (1680 - 1730)
Ignaz Bendl
1680 - 1730
Heinrich Krause (1885 - 1983)
Heinrich Krause
1885 - 1983
Wolfgang Hutter (1928 - 2014)
Wolfgang Hutter
1928 - 2014
Johann Hamza (1850 - 1927)
Johann Hamza
1850 - 1927
Karl Kauba (1865 - 1922)
Karl Kauba
1865 - 1922
Josef Karl Rädler (1844 - 1917)
Josef Karl Rädler
1844 - 1917
Kemal Seyhan (1960)
Kemal Seyhan
Victor Heinrich Seifert (1870 - 1953)
Victor Heinrich Seifert
1870 - 1953
Heinrich Friedrich Füger (1751 - 1818)
Heinrich Friedrich Füger
1751 - 1818
Otto Prutscher (1880 - 1949)
Otto Prutscher
1880 - 1949
Paul Strudel (1648 - 1708)
Paul Strudel
1648 - 1708
Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel (1881 - 1965)
Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel
1881 - 1965
Paul Unbereit (1884 - 1937)
Paul Unbereit
1884 - 1937
Lucie Rie (1902 - 1995)
Lucie Rie
1902 - 1995

Creators Black & white photo

German Grobe (1857 - 1938)
German Grobe
1857 - 1938
Robert von Haug (1857 - 1922)
Robert von Haug
1857 - 1922
Konstantin Mikhailovich Lepilov (1879 - 1941)
Konstantin Mikhailovich Lepilov
1879 - 1941
Walter Hutcheson (1869 - 1910)
Walter Hutcheson
1869 - 1910
Mikhail Arsentyevich Matorin (1905 - 2002)
Mikhail Arsentyevich Matorin
1905 - 2002
Willy Herrmann (1895 - 1963)
Willy Herrmann
1895 - 1963
Giovanni Giacometti (1868 - 1933)
Giovanni Giacometti
1868 - 1933
Max Clarenbach (1880 - 1952)
Max Clarenbach
1880 - 1952
Alceste Campriani (1848 - 1933)
Alceste Campriani
1848 - 1933
Karl Hagemeister (1848 - 1933)
Karl Hagemeister
1848 - 1933
Willy Moralt (1884 - 1947)
Willy Moralt
1884 - 1947
Mikhail Pelopidovich Latri (1875 - 1942)
Mikhail Pelopidovich Latri
1875 - 1942
Maurice Hagemans (1852 - 1917)
Maurice Hagemans
1852 - 1917
Waldemar Sewohl (1887 - 1967)
Waldemar Sewohl
1887 - 1967
Lotte Laska (1924 - 2009)
Lotte Laska
1924 - 2009
Vaclav Radimsky (1867 - 1946)
Vaclav Radimsky
1867 - 1946