Jacob Savery (1566 - 1603) - photo 1

Jacob Savery

Jacob Savery the Elder was a Flemish painter, etcher and draughtsman. He was trained in Antwerp and later moved to the Dutch Republic after 1584. He specialised in still lifes, animals, landscapes en genre paintings.

Jacob’s earliest known works of 1584-86 are mostly cabinet-size landscapes that clearly show the influence of his master Hans Bol.

In Amsterdam Jacob was active as painter, etcher and draftsman. He produced a series of etchings in Pieter Bruegel the Elder's stipple technique depicting idealized rural scenes full of picturesque details, such as castle ruins and rabbit hunts.


Date and place of birt:1566, Kortrijk, Belgium
Date and place of death:23 april 1603, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nationality:Belgium, The Netherlands, Flanders
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Animalistic, Genre art, Landscape painting, Still life
Art style:Mannerism, Northern Renaissance

Creators Belgium

Jan Brueghel I (1568 - 1625)
Jan Brueghel I
1568 - 1625
Juan Flandes (1460 - 1519)
Juan Flandes
1460 - 1519
Pieter van Lint (1609 - 1690)
Pieter van Lint
1609 - 1690
Johannes Michel Rysbrack (1694 - 1770)
Johannes Michel Rysbrack
1694 - 1770
Pieter van Bloemen (1657 - 1720)
Pieter van Bloemen
1657 - 1720
Peter Adolf Hall (1739 - 1793)
Peter Adolf Hall
1739 - 1793
Théodore Baron (1840 - 1899)
Théodore Baron
1840 - 1899
Pol Bury (1922 - 2005)
Pol Bury
1922 - 2005
Luc Tuymans (1958)
Luc Tuymans
Florent Nicolas Crabeels (1829 - 1896)
Florent Nicolas Crabeels
1829 - 1896
Louis-Charles Verwée (Verwee) (1832 - 1882)
Louis-Charles Verwée (Verwee)
1832 - 1882
Ivan Pavlovich Pokhitonov (1850 - 1923)
Ivan Pavlovich Pokhitonov
1850 - 1923
Frans Breydel (1679 - 1750)
Frans Breydel
1679 - 1750
Jan Brueghel II (1601 - 1678)
Jan Brueghel II
1601 - 1678
Clifford Holmead (Holmead Phillips) (1889 - 1975)
Clifford Holmead (Holmead Phillips)
1889 - 1975
Hugo Maurice Julien Claus (1929 - 2008)
Hugo Maurice Julien Claus
1929 - 2008

Creators Mannerism

Abraham Howarts (Govaerts) (1589 - 1626)
Abraham Howarts (Govaerts)
1589 - 1626
Benedetto Caliari (1538 - 1598)
Benedetto Caliari
1538 - 1598
Lorenzo Costa II (1537 - 1583)
Lorenzo Costa II
1537 - 1583
Giulio Romano (1499 - 1546)
Giulio Romano
1499 - 1546
Georges Lallemand (1575 - 1636)
Georges Lallemand
1575 - 1636
Cherubino Alberti (1553 - 1615)
Cherubino Alberti
1553 - 1615
 Sodoma (1477 - 1549)
1477 - 1549
Hans Rottenhammer (1564 - 1624)
Hans Rottenhammer
1564 - 1624
Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti (1571 - 1639)
Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti
1571 - 1639
Hans Baldung (1484 - 1545)
Hans Baldung
1484 - 1545
Pieter Bruegel II (1564 - 1638)
Pieter Bruegel II
1564 - 1638
Juan Fernández de Navarrete (1526 - 1579)
Juan Fernández de Navarrete
1526 - 1579
Jan Mandijn (1500 - 1560)
Jan Mandijn
1500 - 1560
Onorio Marinari (1627 - 1715)
Onorio Marinari
1627 - 1715
Giovanni Bandini (1540 - 1599)
Giovanni Bandini
1540 - 1599
Simon de Vos (1603 - 1676)
Simon de Vos
1603 - 1676