Jacques Rosseels (1828 - 1912)

Jacques Rosseels (1828 - 1912) - photo 1

Jacques Rosseels

Jacques Rosseels or Jacobus Cornelis Rosseels, is a landscape painter and art theoretician who, later in his career, became chief inspector of the Belgian drawing academies and schools. In 1861 he met Isidore Meyers in Calmpthout, who was a close friend of Adrien-Joseph Heymans. Around these three artists, was born the School of Calmpthout, also known as the Gray School. They met regularly at the inn "De Keizer" in Wechelderzande, which is why they are sometimes also called members of the School of Wechelderzande. It was not a structured style movement, but the gray tones were the hallmark of Flemish pleinairism. These gray painters created a typical landscape style that would long be imitated. He is among the first to have rid his palette of dark and bituminous tones, dear to Antwerp education. With its chalky tones and its subjects painted in the open air, it announces Belgian Impressionism.

Date and place of birt:5 november 1828, Antwerp, Belgium
Date and place of death:3 november 1912, Antwerp, Belgium
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Школа Грея
Genre:Landscape painting, Rural landscape
Art style:Impressionism, Realism
Technique:Oil, Oil on canvas

Creators Belgium

Joseph-Benoît Suvée (1743 - 1807)
Joseph-Benoît Suvée
1743 - 1807
Frans Arnold Breuhaus de Groot (1824 - 1875)
Frans Arnold Breuhaus de Groot
1824 - 1875
Marc Robbroeckx (1950)
Marc Robbroeckx
Theodoor Verstraete (1850 - 1907)
Theodoor Verstraete
1850 - 1907
Antoine Ansiaux (1764 - 1840)
Antoine Ansiaux
1764 - 1840
Emma Alice Henriette Ronner (1857 - 1957)
Emma Alice Henriette Ronner
1857 - 1957
Guillaume van der Hecht (1817 - 1891)
Guillaume van der Hecht
1817 - 1891
Frans Snyders (1579 - 1657)
Frans Snyders
1579 - 1657
Hippolyte Boulenger (1837 - 1874)
Hippolyte Boulenger
1837 - 1874
Frans (Francesco) Geffels (1624 - 1694)
Frans (Francesco) Geffels
1624 - 1694
Victor Wolfvoet II (1612 - 1652)
Victor Wolfvoet II
1612 - 1652
Vincent De Vos (1829 - 1875)
Vincent De Vos
1829 - 1875
Jan-Baptist Daveloose (1807 - 1886)
Jan-Baptist Daveloose
1807 - 1886
Floris Jespers (1889 - 1965)
Floris Jespers
1889 - 1965
Willem Key (1516 - 1568)
Willem Key
1516 - 1568
 Corneille (1922 - 2010)
1922 - 2010

Creators Impressionism

Inès Longevial (1990)
Inès Longevial
Bonaventura Puig i Perucho (1886 - 1977)
Bonaventura Puig i Perucho
1886 - 1977
Paul Weimann (1867 - 1945)
Paul Weimann
1867 - 1945
William Alexander Dargie (1912 - 2003)
William Alexander Dargie
1912 - 2003
Titus Kaphar (1976)
Titus Kaphar
Aleksandr Ivanovich Morozov (1902 - 1997)
Aleksandr Ivanovich Morozov
1902 - 1997
François Bonvin (1817 - 1887)
François Bonvin
1817 - 1887
Vitol'd Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya (1872 - 1957)
Vitol'd Kaetanovich Byalynitsky-Birulya
1872 - 1957
Louise Catherine Breslau (1856 - 1927)
Louise Catherine Breslau
1856 - 1927
Willem Carel Nakken (1835 - 1926)
Willem Carel Nakken
1835 - 1926
William Perehudoff (1918 - 2013)
William Perehudoff
1918 - 2013
Attilio Prendoni (1874 - 1942)
Attilio Prendoni
1874 - 1942
Walter Henry Reeves (1844 - 1930)
Walter Henry Reeves
1844 - 1930
Ernst Broker (1893 - 1963)
Ernst Broker
1893 - 1963
Jules Trayer (1824 - 1909)
Jules Trayer
1824 - 1909
Giovanni Colombo (1908 - 1972)
Giovanni Colombo
1908 - 1972