Johan Georg Mansfeld (1764 - 1817)

Johan Georg Mansfeld (1764 - 1817) - photo 1

Johan Georg Mansfeld

Johan Georg Mansfeld was an Austrian painter and copper engraver.

An imperial and royal cabinet stencil maker, Johan Georg Mansfeld learned his craft from his father, Johan Ernst (1739-1796). In 1802, Mansfeld the younger turned his attention to the newly invented printing method, lithography, and later collaborated in Vienna with Johan Adam Klein, creating lithographs based on his designs. In 1815. Mansfeld established his own lithographic workshop in the city.

Date and place of birt:18 march 1764, Vienna, Austria
Date and place of death:21 december 1817, Vienna, Austria
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver
Genre:History painting, Portrait
Art style:Baroque

Creators Baroque

Johann Martin Metz (1717 - 1790)
Johann Martin Metz
1717 - 1790
Franz Anton Maulbertsch (1724 - 1796)
Franz Anton Maulbertsch
1724 - 1796
Gіuseppe Valeriani (1708 - 1762)
Gіuseppe Valeriani
1708 - 1762
Nicolaus Heideloff (1761 - 1837)
Nicolaus Heideloff
1761 - 1837
Jean-Simon Berthélemy (1743 - 1811)
Jean-Simon Berthélemy
1743 - 1811
John Bennett (1746 - 1787)
John Bennett
1746 - 1787
Gilles Rousselet (1610 - 1686)
Gilles Rousselet
1610 - 1686
Hugues Picart (1587 - 1664)
Hugues Picart
1587 - 1664
Pietro Scalvini (1718 - 1792)
Pietro Scalvini
1718 - 1792
Andrea Pozzo (1642 - 1709)
Andrea Pozzo
1642 - 1709
Lucien-François Feuchère (1766 - 1841)
Lucien-François Feuchère
1766 - 1841
Jacopo Dal Ponte (1510 - 1592)
Jacopo Dal Ponte
1510 - 1592
Karl Purrmann (1877 - 1966)
Karl Purrmann
1877 - 1966
Gregorio Fernández (1576 - 1636)
Gregorio Fernández
1576 - 1636
Pier Francesco Cittadini (1616 - 1681)
Pier Francesco Cittadini
1616 - 1681
Bonaventure de Bar (1700 - 1729)
Bonaventure de Bar
1700 - 1729