Johann Baptist Homann (1664 - 1724)

Johann Baptist Homann (1664 - 1724) - photo 1

Johann Baptist Homann

Johann Baptist Homann was a German geographer and cartographer, who also made maps of the Americas. In 1702 he founded his own publishing house. Homann acquired renown as a leading German cartographer, and in 1715 was appointed Imperial Geographer by Emperor Charles VI. In the same year he was also named a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin. In 1716 Homann published his masterpiece Grosser Atlas ueber die ganze Welt (Grand Atlas of all the World). Numerous maps were drawn up in cooperation with the engraver Christoph Weigel the Elder, who also published Siebmachers Wappenbuch.


Date and place of birt:20 march 1664, Kammlach, Germany
Date and place of death:1 july 1724, Nuremberg, Germany
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Cartographer, Engraver

Creators Germany

Michael Emil Sachs (1836 - 1893)
Michael Emil Sachs
1836 - 1893
Katharina Lichtenscheidt (1963)
Katharina Lichtenscheidt
Otto Kirchner (1887 - 1960)
Otto Kirchner
1887 - 1960
Franz Bunke (1857 - 1939)
Franz Bunke
1857 - 1939
Franz Radziwill (1895 - 1983)
Franz Radziwill
1895 - 1983
Hans Coper (1920 - 1981)
Hans Coper
1920 - 1981
Emil Otto Grundmann (1844 - 1890)
Emil Otto Grundmann
1844 - 1890
Otto D. Douglas-Hill (1897 - 1972)
Otto D. Douglas-Hill
1897 - 1972
Walter Einbeck (1890 - 1968)
Walter Einbeck
1890 - 1968
Geraldine Frisch (1968)
Geraldine Frisch
Paul Kleinschmidt (1883 - 1949)
Paul Kleinschmidt
1883 - 1949
Hermann Scherer (1893 - 1927)
Hermann Scherer
1893 - 1927
Hans Kastler (1931 - 2016)
Hans Kastler
1931 - 2016
Nick Mauss (1980)
Nick Mauss
Wilhelm Ferdinand Pauwels (1830 - 1904)
Wilhelm Ferdinand Pauwels
1830 - 1904
Hubert Zalentin (1822 - 1910)
Hubert Zalentin
1822 - 1910