Johannes Bosboom (1817 - 1891)

Johannes Bosboom (1817 - 1891) - photo 1

Johannes Bosboom

Johannes Bosboom was a Dutch painter and watercolorist of the Hague School, known especially for his paintings of church interiors. At the age of 14 he became a student of Bartholomeus van Hove and painted in his studio along with Van Hove's son Hubertus van Hove. Together they worked on the pieces of scenery that Van Hove created for the Royal Theatre in The Hague. The young Bosboom traveled to Germany in 1835 to Düsseldorf, Cologne and Koblenz and painted the watercolor View of the Mosel Bridge at Koblenz. In 1839 he traveled to Paris and Rouen and received a silver medal for View of the Paris Quay and the Cathedral at Rouen. He also painted a number of church interiors, a relatively traditional genre. Bosboom had a great deal of success with these pieces, and for the rest of his career he would repeatedly return to this theme, which was the one in which he would achieve his greatest fame. Bosboom's choice of subject matter may seem to isolate him from the rest of the Hague School, but his search for ways to reproduce the spatial atmosphere through light, shadow, and nuances of color places him in the very mainstream of this group. In 1873, during a stay in Scheveningen, he painted many watercolors of town views, the dunes, the beach and the sea.


Date and place of birt:18 february 1817, Haag, The Netherlands
Date and place of death:14 september 1891, Haag, The Netherlands
Nationality:The Netherlands
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Art school / group:Гаагская школа живописи
Genre:Cityscape, Landscape painting, Mythological painting, Religious genre, Rural landscape
Art style:Realism
Technique:Oil, Oil on canvas, Oil on panel, Watercolor

Creators The Netherlands

Theodoor Van Thulden (1606 - 1669)
Theodoor Van Thulden
1606 - 1669
August Allebé (1838 - 1927)
August Allebé
1838 - 1927
Pieter Jan van Liender (1721 - 1779)
Pieter Jan van Liender
1721 - 1779
Nicolaes Willingh (1640 - 1678)
Nicolaes Willingh
1640 - 1678
Alexander Keirinks (1600 - 1652)
Alexander Keirinks
1600 - 1652
Petrus Kiers (1807 - 1875)
Petrus Kiers
1807 - 1875
Jaqueline de Jong (1939)
Jaqueline de Jong
Cornelis Bernardus Buijs (1808 - 1872)
Cornelis Bernardus Buijs
1808 - 1872
Anthony Erkelens (1774 - 1804)
Anthony Erkelens
1774 - 1804
Hendrik Pothoven (1725 - 1807)
Hendrik Pothoven
1725 - 1807
Dominicus van Tol (1635 - 1676)
Dominicus van Tol
1635 - 1676
Johannes Petrus van Horstok (1745 - 1825)
Johannes Petrus van Horstok
1745 - 1825
Eglon van der Neer (1635 - 1703)
Eglon van der Neer
1635 - 1703
Willem van de Velde II (1633 - 1707)
Willem van de Velde II
1633 - 1707
Jan van Noordt (1623 - 1681)
Jan van Noordt
1623 - 1681
Balthasar van der Ast (1593 - 1657)
Balthasar van der Ast
1593 - 1657

Creators Realism

Nikolay Yegorovich Makovsky (1841 - 1886)
Nikolay Yegorovich Makovsky
1841 - 1886
Rudolf Huthsteiner (1855 - 1935)
Rudolf Huthsteiner
1855 - 1935
Dan (Daniel Cody) Muller (1889 - 1976)
Dan (Daniel Cody) Muller
1889 - 1976
Roger Chapelet (1903 - 1995)
Roger Chapelet
1903 - 1995
David Adolph Constant Artz (1837 - 1890)
David Adolph Constant Artz
1837 - 1890
Mikhail Fyodorovich Nikonov (1928 - 2010)
Mikhail Fyodorovich Nikonov
1928 - 2010
Muirhead Bone (1876 - 1953)
Muirhead Bone
1876 - 1953
Albin Stanislavovich Gavdzinsky (1923 - 2014)
Albin Stanislavovich Gavdzinsky
1923 - 2014
Jan Antoon Neuhuys (1832 - 1891)
Jan Antoon Neuhuys
1832 - 1891
Alexandre Isailoff (1869 - 1944)
Alexandre Isailoff
1869 - 1944
Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson (1889 - 1946)
Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson
1889 - 1946
Melchoir Broederlam (1350 - 1409)
Melchoir Broederlam
1350 - 1409
Mikhail Yuryevich Kugach (1939)
Mikhail Yuryevich Kugach
Dennis Stock (1928 - 2010)
Dennis Stock
1928 - 2010
Ivan Choultse (1874 - 1939)
Ivan Choultse
1874 - 1939
Richard Scheibe (1879 - 1964)
Richard Scheibe
1879 - 1964