John Michael Wright (1617 - 1694)

John Michael Wright (1617 - 1694) - photo 1

John Michael Wright

John Michael Wright portrait painter in the Baroque style. Wright trained in Edinburgh under the Scots painter George Jamesone, and acquired a considerable reputation as an artist and scholar during a long sojourn in Rome. There he was admitted to the Accademia di San Luca and was associated with some of the leading artists of his generation.

Date and place of birt:25 may 1617, London, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:11 august 1694, London, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter, Portraitist
Art style:Baroque
JOHN MICHAEL WRIGHT (LONDON 1617-1694) - Auction prices

Auction prices John Michael Wright

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Creators United Kingdom

John Antrobus (1837 - 1907)
John Antrobus
1837 - 1907
William Ellerby ()
William Ellerby
Maud Frances Eyston Sumner (1902 - 1985)
Maud Frances Eyston Sumner
1902 - 1985
Robert Anning Bell (1863 - 1933)
Robert Anning Bell
1863 - 1933
Jeff Keen (1923 - 2012)
Jeff Keen
1923 - 2012
George John Pinwell (1842 - 1875)
George John Pinwell
1842 - 1875
William Kenneth Armitage (1916 - 2002)
William Kenneth Armitage
1916 - 2002
John Brett (1831 - 1902)
John Brett
1831 - 1902
Ivon Hitchens (1893 - 1979)
Ivon Hitchens
1893 - 1979
Ernest Herbert Whydale (1886 - 1952)
Ernest Herbert Whydale
1886 - 1952
Oliver O'Connor Barrett (1908 - 1989)
Oliver O'Connor Barrett
1908 - 1989
Charles Napier Hemy (1841 - 1917)
Charles Napier Hemy
1841 - 1917
Paul Merrick (1973)
Paul Merrick
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912 - 2004)
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham
1912 - 2004
William Cripps (? - 1767)
William Cripps
? - 1767
George Scharf (1820 - 1895)
George Scharf
1820 - 1895

Creators Baroque

Jean-Baptiste le Saive I (1571 - 1624)
Jean-Baptiste le Saive I
1571 - 1624
Crispijn van de Passe I (1564 - 1637)
Crispijn van de Passe I
1564 - 1637
Charles Bird King (1785 - 1862)
Charles Bird King
1785 - 1862
Anton Woensam (1499 - 1541)
Anton Woensam
1499 - 1541
Aert van der Neer (1603 - 1677)
Aert van der Neer
1603 - 1677
Tommaso Salini (1575 - 1625)
Tommaso Salini
1575 - 1625
Giovanni Battista Beinaschi (1636 - 1688)
Giovanni Battista Beinaschi
1636 - 1688
Januarius Zick (1730 - 1797)
Januarius Zick
1730 - 1797
Daniel Mijtens (1590 - 1647)
Daniel Mijtens
1590 - 1647
Jacob Kempener (? - ?)
Jacob Kempener
? - ?
Dirk Maes (1659 - 1717)
Dirk Maes
1659 - 1717
Maso da Finiguerra (1426 - 1464)
Maso da Finiguerra
1426 - 1464
Jacobus Linthorst (1745 - 1815)
Jacobus Linthorst
1745 - 1815
Gijsbrecht Leytens (1586 - 1656)
Gijsbrecht Leytens
1586 - 1656
Juriaen Pool (1666 - 1745)
Juriaen Pool
1666 - 1745
Andries Bosman (1621 - 1681)
Andries Bosman
1621 - 1681