Lars Möller (1968) - photo 1

Lars Möller

Date and place of birt:1968, Hamburg, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Educator, Painter
Art school / group:Северогерманские реалисты
Genre:Landscape painting, Marine art
Art style:Contemporary art, Contemporary realism

Creators Contemporary art

Gary Hill (1951)
Gary Hill
Eduard Telcs (1872 - 1948)
Eduard Telcs
1872 - 1948
William Anastasi (1933)
William Anastasi
Léon Ribi (1945)
Léon Ribi
Richard DeVore (1933 - 2006)
Richard DeVore
1933 - 2006
Deborah Brown (1955)
Deborah Brown
Isay Mikhaylovich Zeytman (1899 - 1996)
Isay Mikhaylovich Zeytman
1899 - 1996
Georg Fath (1901 - 1960)
Georg Fath
1901 - 1960
Artie Vierkant (1986)
Artie Vierkant
Mark Gertler (1891 - 1939)
Mark Gertler
1891 - 1939
Adam McEwen (1965)
Adam McEwen
Lajos Kassák (1887 - 1967)
Lajos Kassák
1887 - 1967
Kwame Brathwaite (1938 - 2023)
Kwame Brathwaite
1938 - 2023
Ugo Attardi (1923 - 2006)
Ugo Attardi
1923 - 2006
Christoph M. Gais (1951)
Christoph M. Gais
Paul Tuttle (1918 - 2002)
Paul Tuttle
1918 - 2002