Manfred Oesterle (1928 - 2010)

Manfred Oesterle (1928 - 2010) - photo 1

Manfred Oesterle

Manfred Oesterle was a German painter, graphic artist, caricaturist and sculptor. In 1948 he was able to achieve professional success in the first satirical post-war magazine "Das Waspennest", founded by Werner Finck and Thaddäus Troll. From 1952 to 1955, Oesterle worked as a caricaturist for “Nebelspalter”, Rorschach/Switzerland. From 1955 to 1967 Oesterle was a permanent employee and member of the editorial board of "Simplicissimus", Munich. With 223 covers, he was the most frequently printed cartoonist of the internationally renowned satirical magazine. For many years, his caricatures, which are outstanding in terms of craftsmanship and intellectual excellence, have also appeared in “Spiegel”, “Zeit”, “Stern”, “Quick”, “Focus”, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, the “Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung”, the “ Südwestpresse” and “Unser Geld”. Oesterle impressed with its immensely broad spectrum. His keen powers of observation and his almost eidetic memory for people and situations shaped Oesterle's paintings and graphics, especially in oil paintings and portraits. Wall and ceiling paintings, glass windows and tapestries were designed and executed by him as well as sculptures, reliefs and mosaics. As a master of the line, he always looked for the characteristic in his motifs. His drawings are pointed and humorous, ironic and critical, but never offending.

Date and place of birt:24 april 1928, Stuttgart, Germany
Date and place of death:7 october 2010, Stuttgart, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Cartoonist, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Painter, Portraitist, Sculptor
Genre:Caricature, Portrait
Art style:Realism
Technique:Hand graphic, Oil

Creators Germany

Walter Menne (1908 - 2000)
Walter Menne
1908 - 2000
Karl Michael Haider (1846 - 1912)
Karl Michael Haider
1846 - 1912
Lambert Maria Wintersberger (1941 - 2013)
Lambert Maria Wintersberger
1941 - 2013
Carlo Ignazio Pozzi (1786 - 1842)
Carlo Ignazio Pozzi
1786 - 1842
Hermann Bethke (1825 - 1895)
Hermann Bethke
1825 - 1895
Emil Rau (1858 - 1937)
Emil Rau
1858 - 1937
Lissy Funk (1909 - 2005)
Lissy Funk
1909 - 2005
Simon Segal (1898 - 1969)
Simon Segal
1898 - 1969
Uwe Bangert (1927 - 2017)
Uwe Bangert
1927 - 2017
Daniel Nagel (1951)
Daniel Nagel
Rudolf Marcuse (1878 - 1940)
Rudolf Marcuse
1878 - 1940
Oskar Michaelis (1872 - 1946)
Oskar Michaelis
1872 - 1946
Alois Bergmann-Franken (1897 - 1965)
Alois Bergmann-Franken
1897 - 1965
Rudolph Jordan (1810 - 1887)
Rudolph Jordan
1810 - 1887
Giovanni Murari (1669)
Giovanni Murari
Karl Becker (1820 - 1900)
Karl Becker
1820 - 1900

Creators Realism

Ilse Tesdorpf-Edens (1892 - 1966)
Ilse Tesdorpf-Edens
1892 - 1966
Peter Kraemer II (1857 - 1936)
Peter Kraemer II
1857 - 1936
Alfred Hazledine (1876 - 1956)
Alfred Hazledine
1876 - 1956
Hans Weidmann (1918 - 1997)
Hans Weidmann
1918 - 1997
Reinhold Lepsius (1857 - 1922)
Reinhold Lepsius
1857 - 1922
Otto Eerelman (1839 - 1926)
Otto Eerelman
1839 - 1926
Grigory Mikhailovich Bobrovsky (1873 - 1942)
Grigory Mikhailovich Bobrovsky
1873 - 1942
Jose Denis Belgrano (1844 - 1917)
Jose Denis Belgrano
1844 - 1917
Victor Schramm (1865 - 1929)
Victor Schramm
1865 - 1929
Adolfo Dalbesio (1857 - 1914)
Adolfo Dalbesio
1857 - 1914
Friedrich Lissmann (1880 - 1915)
Friedrich Lissmann
1880 - 1915
Karl Friedrich Schulz (1796 - 1866)
Karl Friedrich Schulz
1796 - 1866
Giuseppe de Nittis (1846 - 1884)
Giuseppe de Nittis
1846 - 1884
Otto Georgi (1819 - 1874)
Otto Georgi
1819 - 1874
Alexey Alexandrovich Vasilyev (1811 - 1879)
Alexey Alexandrovich Vasilyev
1811 - 1879
Anton Hoffmann (1863 - 1938)
Anton Hoffmann
1863 - 1938
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