Marie-Louise von Rogister (1899 - 1991)

Marie-Louise von Rogister (1899 - 1991) - photo 1

Marie-Louise von Rogister

Marie-Louise von Rogister was a German artist and important painter of the Informel.

From 1920 to 1924 Marie-Louise von Rogister studied painting at the Kunstgewerbeschule Kassel. A trip to Paris in 1925 was followed by a study visit to the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere in 1929/1930.

Marie-Louise von Rogister's work developed from the representational to the abstract. Her oeuvre includes paintings in oil and acrylic as well as in wax crayon and pencil. Marie-Louise von Rogister's breakthrough came in the late 1950s with her "Braided Pictures". Areas of colour are overlaid with thread-like, black structures. The so-called "Horizon Paintings" in the 1980s marked a new artistic breakthrough: clear lines and strong colours dominated the paintings. It was also through them that Informal Art came to Germany.

Date and place of birt:3 august 1899, Sarrebourg, France
Date and place of death:18 june 1991, Bötersheim, Germany
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Graphic artist, Painter
Art style:Abstract Expressionism, Informalism

Creators Germany

Chloe Piene (1972)
Chloe Piene
Maik und Dirk Löbbert ()
Maik und Dirk Löbbert
Otto Heichert (1868 - 1946)
Otto Heichert
1868 - 1946
Otto Piene (1928 - 2014)
Otto Piene
1928 - 2014
Johann Rudolf Buhlmann (1812 - 1890)
Johann Rudolf Buhlmann
1812 - 1890
Dirck de Bray (1635 - 1694)
Dirck de Bray
1635 - 1694
Matthäus Gundelach (1566 - 1653)
Matthäus Gundelach
1566 - 1653
Philipp Messner (1975)
Philipp Messner
Hermann Struck (1876 - 1944)
Hermann Struck
1876 - 1944
Siegfried Assmann (1925 - 2021)
Siegfried Assmann
1925 - 2021
Peter Casagrande (1946)
Peter Casagrande
Helmut Sturm (1932 - 2008)
Helmut Sturm
1932 - 2008
Friedrich Preller I (1804 - 1878)
Friedrich Preller I
1804 - 1878
Hubert Maurer (1738 - 1818)
Hubert Maurer
1738 - 1818
Otto Pilz (1876 - 1934)
Otto Pilz
1876 - 1934
Rudolf Schmidt-Dethloff (1900 - 1971)
Rudolf Schmidt-Dethloff
1900 - 1971

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Ida Kohlmeyer (1912 - 1997)
Ida Kohlmeyer
1912 - 1997
Wesley Tongson (1957 - 2012)
Wesley Tongson
1957 - 2012
Bertram Charles Binning (1909 - 1976)
Bertram Charles Binning
1909 - 1976
Bob Thompson (1937 - 1966)
Bob Thompson
1937 - 1966
Wang Yigang (1961)
Wang Yigang
Hans Gustav Burkhardt (1904 - 1994)
Hans Gustav Burkhardt
1904 - 1994
Susumu Kamijo (1975)
Susumu Kamijo
J. B. Murray (1908 - 1988)
J. B. Murray
1908 - 1988
Jürgen Wenzel (1950 - 2023)
Jürgen Wenzel
1950 - 2023
Jiro Yoshihara (1905 - 1972)
Jiro Yoshihara
1905 - 1972
Pei-Ming Yan (1960)
Pei-Ming Yan
Agenore Fabbri (1911 - 1998)
Agenore Fabbri
1911 - 1998
Romare Bearden (1911 - 1988)
Romare Bearden
1911 - 1988
Nicolas de Staël (1914 - 1955)
Nicolas de Staël
1914 - 1955
Zhu Jinshi (1954)
Zhu Jinshi
Blinky Palermo (1943 - 1977)
Blinky Palermo
1943 - 1977