Mario Reis (1953) - photo 1

Mario Reis

Mario Reis is a German conceptual artist well known for his Nature series of watercolors.

He creates his works by immersing stretched canvases in various rivers around the world and allowing sediment to collect on the canvas over a period of time. The result is an amazing palette of browns, greens, grays, reds and blacks stacked in various textures, displaying the unique characteristics of each particular river and traces of flow. The finished works reveal a "watercolor" portrait of each river.

Mario Rice has collected "paintings" of various rivers in Europe, Japan, and America. Rice's works are in many museum collections in Europe, the United States, and Asia.

Date and place of birt:1953, Weingarten (Baden), Germany
Nationality:Germany, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Landscape painting
Art style:Conceptual art, Contemporary art
Reis, Mario; 'Salzikone' - Auction prices

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Creators Germany

Clemens C. Gröszer (1951 - 2014)
Clemens C. Gröszer
1951 - 2014
Johannes Schilling (1828 - 1910)
Johannes Schilling
1828 - 1910
Georg Melchior Kraus (1737 - 1806)
Georg Melchior Kraus
1737 - 1806
Heinrich Nicolaus (1955)
Heinrich Nicolaus
Johnny Friedlaender (1912 - 1992)
Johnny Friedlaender
1912 - 1992
Rudolf Tewes (1879 - 1965)
Rudolf Tewes
1879 - 1965
Fritz Kohlstädt (1921 - 2000)
Fritz Kohlstädt
1921 - 2000
A. R. Penck (1939 - 2017)
A. R. Penck
1939 - 2017
Wang Shugang (1960)
Wang Shugang
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit (1669 - 1728)
Jan Pieter van Baurscheit
1669 - 1728
Michael Buthe (1944 - 1994)
Michael Buthe
1944 - 1994
Matthias Kohlmann (1956)
Matthias Kohlmann
Heinrich Leinweber (1836 - 1908)
Heinrich Leinweber
1836 - 1908
Gerhard Schliepstein (1886 - 1963)
Gerhard Schliepstein
1886 - 1963
Albert Wenk (1863 - 1934)
Albert Wenk
1863 - 1934
Günther Gensler (1803 - 1884)
Günther Gensler
1803 - 1884

Creators Conceptual art

Jean-Claude Duteil (1950)
Jean-Claude Duteil
Wang Lei (1980)
Wang Lei
Philippe Favier (1957)
Philippe Favier
Reiner Ruthenbeck (1937 - 2016)
Reiner Ruthenbeck
1937 - 2016
Maina-Miriam Munsky (1943 - 1999)
Maina-Miriam Munsky
1943 - 1999
Volker Böhringer (1912 - 1961)
Volker Böhringer
1912 - 1961
Matthias Goeritz (1915 - 1990)
Matthias Goeritz
1915 - 1990
Tai Xiangzhou (1968)
Tai Xiangzhou
Jean Perret (1910 - 2003)
Jean Perret
1910 - 2003
Steve Galloway (1952)
Steve Galloway
Lu Junzhou (1974)
Lu Junzhou
Alexander Serafimovich Kotlyarov (1945)
Alexander Serafimovich Kotlyarov
Henri Sié (1936)
Henri Sié
Martin Klimas (1971)
Martin Klimas
Jen Ray (1970)
Jen Ray
Aydan Tairovna Salakhova (1964)
Aydan Tairovna Salakhova