Peter Binoit (1590 - 1632) - photo 1

Peter Binoit

Peter Binoit was a German still life painter active during the early Baroque era at the beginning of the 17th century, who worked in Frankfurt am Main and Cologne.


Date and place of birt:1590, Cologne, Germany
Date and place of death:14 may 1632, Hanau, Germany
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Genre:Flower still life, Still life
Art style:Baroque

Creators Germany

Hermann Anschütz (1802 - 1880)
Hermann Anschütz
1802 - 1880
Karl Gatermann I (1883 - 1959)
Karl Gatermann I
1883 - 1959
Johann Michael Greiter (1736 - 1786)
Johann Michael Greiter
1736 - 1786
Robert Seidel (1983)
Robert Seidel
Martin Eder (1968)
Martin Eder
Simon Lissim (1900 - 1981)
Simon Lissim
1900 - 1981
Carl Reiser (1877 - 1950)
Carl Reiser
1877 - 1950
Riurik Rok (1898 - 1962)
Riurik Rok
1898 - 1962
Anselm Feuerbach (1829 - 1880)
Anselm Feuerbach
1829 - 1880
Albert Arnz (1832 - 1914)
Albert Arnz
1832 - 1914
Erwin Blumenfeld (1897 - 1969)
Erwin Blumenfeld
1897 - 1969
Heinrich Blunck-Heikendorf (1891 - 1963)
Heinrich Blunck-Heikendorf
1891 - 1963
Johann Baptist Joseph Bastiné (1783 - 1844)
Johann Baptist Joseph Bastiné
1783 - 1844
Joseph Kellerhofen (1789 - 1849)
Joseph Kellerhofen
1789 - 1849
Frederick William Herschel (1738 - 1822)
Frederick William Herschel
1738 - 1822
Otto Herbert Hajek (1927 - 2005)
Otto Herbert Hajek
1927 - 2005

Creators Baroque

Ciro Adolfi (1683 - 1758)
Ciro Adolfi
1683 - 1758
Niccolò Bambini (1651 - 1736)
Niccolò Bambini
1651 - 1736
Pieter Bruegel II (1564 - 1638)
Pieter Bruegel II
1564 - 1638
Lorenz Strauch (1554 - 1636)
Lorenz Strauch
1554 - 1636
Johann Wilhelm Baur (1607 - 1640)
Johann Wilhelm Baur
1607 - 1640
Pierre Dupuis (1610 - 1682)
Pierre Dupuis
1610 - 1682
Bonaventura Peeters I (1614 - 1652)
Bonaventura Peeters I
1614 - 1652
Antonio Felice Ferrari (1667 - 1720)
Antonio Felice Ferrari
1667 - 1720
Filippo della Valle (1698 - 1768)
Filippo della Valle
1698 - 1768
Franz Lorenz Viechter (1664 - 1716)
Franz Lorenz Viechter
1664 - 1716
Francesco Solimena (1657 - 1747)
Francesco Solimena
1657 - 1747
Bernard Lens III (1682 - 1740)
Bernard Lens III
1682 - 1740
Luca Ciamberlano (1580 - 1641)
Luca Ciamberlano
1580 - 1641
Giuseppe Caletti (1600 - 1660)
Giuseppe Caletti
1600 - 1660
Claude Vignon (1593 - 1670)
Claude Vignon
1593 - 1670
Bartolomeo Karlo Rastrelli (1675 - 1744)
Bartolomeo Karlo Rastrelli
1675 - 1744