Pietro Liberi (1605 - 1687) - photo 1

Pietro Liberi

Pietro Liberi was an Italian Baroque painter, celebrated for his vibrant and dynamic works. Born in Padua, Liberi's life was as colorful as his paintings, with adventures that took him across Italy and beyond. His artistic journey began under the guidance of Alessandro Varotari, known as il Padovanino. Liberi's experiences weren't just confined to art; his travels included a dramatic period of captivity by pirates, participation in military campaigns, and extensive travels across Europe, enriching his artistic perspective.

Liberi settled in Venice, where he became renowned for his mythological scenes and frescoes, captivating the aristocracy and religious institutions alike. His works are distinguished by their expressive emotion and intricate detail, reflecting the grandeur of the Baroque style. Notable pieces include frescoes in the Doge's Palace and the Oratory of San Filippo Neri in Florence, and his masterwork, the altarpiece of Sant' Elena finding the Cross, located in the church of San Moisè in Venice. His paintings, like "Diana and Callisto," reflect his ability to weave mythological narratives into captivating visual stories, a skill that garnered him admiration and recognition during his time​​.

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Date and place of birt:1605, Padua, Italy
Date and place of death:18 october 1687, Venice, Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia (late 7th century - 1797)
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Venetian school
Genre:History painting, Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Old Masters

Creators Baroque

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Étienne Jeaurat
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Ignatius van der Stock
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John Vanderbank
1694 - 1739
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Osias Beert I
1580 - 1623
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Noël Coypel
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Anthonius Leemans (1631 - 1673)
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Joaquim Juncosa (1631 - 1708)
Joaquim Juncosa
1631 - 1708
Antonio Gionima (1697 - 1732)
Antonio Gionima
1697 - 1732
Jean Gabriel Scheffer (1979 - 1876)
Jean Gabriel Scheffer
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Herman Saftleven II (1609 - 1685)
Herman Saftleven II
1609 - 1685
Joseph Cartwright (1789 - 1829)
Joseph Cartwright
1789 - 1829
Francesco Ferrari (1634 - 1708)
Francesco Ferrari
1634 - 1708
Johann Jakob Schalch (1723 - 1789)
Johann Jakob Schalch
1723 - 1789
Egid Quirin Asam (1692 - 1750)
Egid Quirin Asam
1692 - 1750
Willem van Aelst (1627 - 1683)
Willem van Aelst
1627 - 1683
Ludolf Bakhuizen (1630 - 1708)
Ludolf Bakhuizen
1630 - 1708