Raymond Redvers Briggs (1934 - 2022)

Raymond Redvers Briggs (1934 - 2022) - photo 1

Raymond Redvers Briggs

Raymond Redvers Briggs was a British writer, illustrator, and cartoonist.

A professional illustrator, he worked on the design of children's books. In the 1960s, Briggs discovered his talent and ability to combine words and pictures, using a form of strip cartooning that defined his later work.

Briggs is best known for his wordless book The Snowman, published in 1978, a sort of cute children's tale but with deep meaning. The animated and musical versions of this book are popular in Britain and are shown annually at Christmas.

Date and place of birt:18 january 1934, London, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:9 august 2022, Borough of Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Cartoonist, Draftsman, Illustrator, Writer
Genre:Caricature, Genre art, Reportage, иллюстрирование книг
Art style:Contemporary art
BRIGGS, Raymond (1934-2022) - Auction prices

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