Robert Salmon (1775 - 1848) - photo 1

Robert Salmon

Date and place of birt:November 1775, Whitehaven, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:1848, Cumberland, United Kingdom
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Marine painter, Painter
Genre:Marine art
Art style:Luminism, Romanticism
ROBERT SALMON (1775-1848) - Auction prices

Auction prices Robert Salmon

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Creators Luminism

Eugène Louis Lami (1800 - 1890)
Eugène Louis Lami
1800 - 1890
Gustav Adolf Gaupp (1844 - 1918)
Gustav Adolf Gaupp
1844 - 1918
Eugène Delacroix (1798 - 1863)
Eugène Delacroix
1798 - 1863
John Bostock (1826 - 1869)
John Bostock
1826 - 1869
Alexander Alexandrovich Sakharov (1856 - 1914)
Alexander Alexandrovich Sakharov
1856 - 1914
Thomas Sewell Robins (1810 - 1880)
Thomas Sewell Robins
1810 - 1880
Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782 - 1836)
Orest Adamovich Kiprensky
1782 - 1836
James Arthur O'Connor (1792 - 1841)
James Arthur O'Connor
1792 - 1841
Godefroy Engelmann I (1788 - 1839)
Godefroy Engelmann I
1788 - 1839
Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802 - 1858)
Johann Moritz Rugendas
1802 - 1858
Johan Fredrik Höckert (1826 - 1866)
Johan Fredrik Höckert
1826 - 1866
Yermolai Ivanovich Esakov (1790 - 1840)
Yermolai Ivanovich Esakov
1790 - 1840
Louis Gurlitt (1812 - 1897)
Louis Gurlitt
1812 - 1897
Eugène Gluck (1820 - 1898)
Eugène Gluck
1820 - 1898
Adolph Tidemand (1814 - 1876)
Adolph Tidemand
1814 - 1876
Karl Roux (1826 - 1894)
Karl Roux
1826 - 1894