Schang Hutter (1934 - 2021) - photo 1

Schang Hutter

Schang Hutter was a Swiss painter and sculptor whose work was strongly influenced by the postwar reality. The abused person was the central theme of Hutter's work. He is known for his thin, stick-like figures and groups of figures installed in public places in cities. His works focus mainly on the suffering that people experience at the hands of others.

Date and place of birt:11 august 1934, Solothurn, Switzerland
Date and place of death:21 june 2021, Derendingen, Switzerland
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Genre:History painting
Art style:Contemporary art, Post War Art

Creators Switzerland

Matthäus Merian I (1593 - 1650)
Matthäus Merian I
1593 - 1650
Max Gubler (1898 - 1973)
Max Gubler
1898 - 1973
Édouard Vallet (1876 - 1929)
Édouard Vallet
1876 - 1929
Pamela Rosenkranz (1979)
Pamela Rosenkranz
Anton Graff (1736 - 1813)
Anton Graff
1736 - 1813
Amade Bart (1899 - 1926)
Amade Bart
1899 - 1926
Jean-Etienne Liotard (1702 - 1789)
Jean-Etienne Liotard
1702 - 1789
Andrea Salvatore Aglio (1736 - 1786)
Andrea Salvatore Aglio
1736 - 1786
Karl Madritsch (1908 - 1986)
Karl Madritsch
1908 - 1986
Daniel Bernoulli (1700 - 1782)
Daniel Bernoulli
1700 - 1782
Jean Petito (1607 - 1691)
Jean Petito
1607 - 1691
Gustave Eugène Castan (1823 - 1892)
Gustave Eugène Castan
1823 - 1892
Edouard Girardet (1819 - 1880)
Edouard Girardet
1819 - 1880
Albert von Keller (1844 - 1920)
Albert von Keller
1844 - 1920
Peter Wüthrich (1962)
Peter Wüthrich
Beat Streuli (1957)
Beat Streuli

Creators Contemporary art

Serban Savu (1978)
Serban Savu
Nelli Lvovna Petrova (1949)
Nelli Lvovna Petrova
Jakob Kolding (1971)
Jakob Kolding
Trevor Paglen (1947)
Trevor Paglen
August Köhler (1881 - 1964)
August Köhler
1881 - 1964
Walter Lothar Brendel (1923 - 2013)
Walter Lothar Brendel
1923 - 2013
José Luis Cuevas (1934 - 2017)
José Luis Cuevas
1934 - 2017
Stefan Hoenerloh (1960)
Stefan Hoenerloh
Ivan Vasilievich Kulets (1880 - 1952)
Ivan Vasilievich Kulets
1880 - 1952
Portia Zvavahera (1985)
Portia Zvavahera
Sigrid Hjertén (1885 - 1948)
Sigrid Hjertén
1885 - 1948
Danièle Rochon (1946)
Danièle Rochon
Heinz Trökes (1913 - 1997)
Heinz Trökes
1913 - 1997
Pavel Fedorovich Nikonov (1930)
Pavel Fedorovich Nikonov
Pierre Soulages (1919 - 2022)
Pierre Soulages
1919 - 2022
Kazimierz («Kachu») Ostrowski (1917 - 1999)
Kazimierz («Kachu») Ostrowski
1917 - 1999