Spencer Finch (1962) - photo 1

Spencer Finch

Spencer Finch is an American artist.

Finch produces work in a wide variety of mediums, including watercolor, photography, glass, electronics, video and fluorescent lights. He is perhaps best known for dealing with the elusive concepts of memory and perception through light installations. After measuring with a colorimeter the light that exist naturally in a specific place and time, Finch's re-constructs the luminosity of the location through artificial means.

Finch was chosen to create the only work of art commissioned for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. For his work, "Trying To Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning," Finch hand-painted 2,983 squares of Fabriano paper — one square in a unique shade of blue for every person killed in the September 11 attacks and in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.


Date and place of birt:1962, New Haven, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Abstract Expressionism, Abstract art, Contemporary art

Creators USA

Robert Nava (1985)
Robert Nava
Jun Kaneko (1942)
Jun Kaneko
Enella Benedict (1858 - 1942)
Enella Benedict
1858 - 1942
Emanuel Leutze (1816 - 1868)
Emanuel Leutze
1816 - 1868
Glenn Ligon (1960)
Glenn Ligon
Perle Fine (1905 - 1988)
Perle Fine
1905 - 1988
Thomas Hill (1829 - 1908)
Thomas Hill
1829 - 1908
Lari Pittman (1952)
Lari Pittman
Constantino Brumidi (1805 - 1880)
Constantino Brumidi
1805 - 1880
Patrick Nagel (1945 - 1984)
Patrick Nagel
1945 - 1984
James Turrell (1943)
James Turrell
Will Hicok Low (1853 - 1933)
Will Hicok Low
1853 - 1933
Rob Pruitt (1964)
Rob Pruitt
Joseph Vergel (Joe) Riley (1964 - 2007)
Joseph Vergel (Joe) Riley
1964 - 2007
William Paxton (1869 - 1941)
William Paxton
1869 - 1941
Irving Kriesberg (1919 - 2009)
Irving Kriesberg
1919 - 2009

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Valentin Carron (1977)
Valentin Carron
Georgy Grigoryevich Nissky (1903 - 1987)
Georgy Grigoryevich Nissky
1903 - 1987
Wu Jiahui (1981)
Wu Jiahui
Thierry Veltman (1939)
Thierry Veltman
Vera Molnár (1924 - 2023)
Vera Molnár
1924 - 2023
Luigi Colani (1928 - 2019)
Luigi Colani
1928 - 2019
Henri-Georges Adam (1904 - 1967)
Henri-Georges Adam
1904 - 1967
Ye Hongxing (1972)
Ye Hongxing
Leonid Izrailevich Lamm (1928 - 2017)
Leonid Izrailevich Lamm
1928 - 2017
Jim Love (1927 - 2005)
Jim Love
1927 - 2005
Ivan Vasilievich Kulets (1880 - 1952)
Ivan Vasilievich Kulets
1880 - 1952
Valentin Viktorovich Nikonov (XX century)
Valentin Viktorovich Nikonov
XX century
Frederick Joseph Yates (1922 - 2008)
Frederick Joseph Yates
1922 - 2008
Avish Khebrehzadeh (1969)
Avish Khebrehzadeh
Alf Rolfsen (1895 - 1979)
Alf Rolfsen
1895 - 1979
Neil Lawson Baker (1938)
Neil Lawson Baker