Vanessa Beecroft (1969) - photo 1

Vanessa Beecroft

Vanessa Beecroft is an Italian-born American contemporary performance artist; she also works with photography, video art, sculpture, and painting. Many of her works have made use of professional models, sometimes in large numbers and sometimes naked or nearly so, to stage tableaux vivants. She works in the United States, and is based in Los Angeles as of 2009. Her early work was focused on gender and appeared to be autobiographical; her later work is focused on race. Starting in 2008 she began working with Kanye West on collaborations and commercial projects.


Date and place of birt:25 april 1969, Genova, Italy
Nationality:Italy, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Genre:Performance art
Art style:Contemporary art

Creators Italy

Maria Maddalena Baldacci Gozzi (1718 - 1782)
Maria Maddalena Baldacci Gozzi
1718 - 1782
Giulio Romano (1499 - 1546)
Giulio Romano
1499 - 1546
Pierre-Paul Sevin (1646 - 1710)
Pierre-Paul Sevin
1646 - 1710
Alfredo Tominz (1854 - 1936)
Alfredo Tominz
1854 - 1936
Cherubino Alberti (1553 - 1615)
Cherubino Alberti
1553 - 1615
John Francis Rigaud (1742 - 1810)
John Francis Rigaud
1742 - 1810
Enea Vico (1523 - 1567)
Enea Vico
1523 - 1567
Filippo Gherardi (1643 - 1704)
Filippo Gherardi
1643 - 1704
Andrea Cascella (1919 - 1990)
Andrea Cascella
1919 - 1990
Giulio D'Anna (1908 - 1978)
Giulio D'Anna
1908 - 1978
Pietro Sorri (1556 - 1622)
Pietro Sorri
1556 - 1622
Carlo Maria Mariani (1931 - 2021)
Carlo Maria Mariani
1931 - 2021
Alessandro Maffei (1790 - 1859)
Alessandro Maffei
1790 - 1859
Johann Georg Platzer (1704 - 1761)
Johann Georg Platzer
1704 - 1761
Frederick William Rolfe (Baron Corvo) (1860 - 1913)
Frederick William Rolfe (Baron Corvo)
1860 - 1913
Paolo Tilche (1925 - 2002)
Paolo Tilche
1925 - 2002

Creators Contemporary art

Wolfgang Kubach (1936 - 2007)
Wolfgang Kubach
1936 - 2007
Don Gummer (1946)
Don Gummer
Vasily Sitnikov (1915 - 1987)
Vasily Sitnikov
1915 - 1987
Evgeny Ivanovich Gudin (1921 - 1991)
Evgeny Ivanovich Gudin
1921 - 1991
William Wegman (1943)
William Wegman
Wahed Khakdan (1950)
Wahed Khakdan
Bogomir Ecker (1950)
Bogomir Ecker
Edgardo Mannucci (1904 - 1986)
Edgardo Mannucci
1904 - 1986
Sigrid Nienstedt (1962)
Sigrid Nienstedt
Alain Clément (1941)
Alain Clément
Rolf Fässer (1942)
Rolf Fässer
Fernando Botero (1932 - 2023)
Fernando Botero
1932 - 2023
Ron Arad (1951)
Ron Arad
Kristin Grothe (1972)
Kristin Grothe
Vladimir Herceg-Pustodolčan (1947)
Vladimir Herceg-Pustodolčan
Pieter Sohl (1933 - 2018)
Pieter Sohl
1933 - 2018