Arthur Beecher Carles (1882 - 1952)

Arthur Beecher Carles (1882 - 1952) - photo 1

Arthur Beecher Carles

Date and place of birt:9 march 1882, Philadelphia, USA
Date and place of death:18 june 1952, Philadelphia, USA
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Expressionism, Modern art, Post-Impressionism
ARTHUR BEECHER CARLES (1882-1952) - Auction prices

Auction prices Arthur Beecher Carles

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Creators USA

Stanley Boxer (1926 - 2000)
Stanley Boxer
1926 - 2000
Fritz Winold Reiss (1886 - 1953)
Fritz Winold Reiss
1886 - 1953
William Robert (Bill) Davis (1949)
William Robert (Bill) Davis
Ellen Auerbach (1906 - 2004)
Ellen Auerbach
1906 - 2004
Vagrich Bakhchanyan (1938 - 2009)
Vagrich Bakhchanyan
1938 - 2009
Jacob Maentel (1778 - 1863)
Jacob Maentel
1778 - 1863
Richard Mock (1944 - 2006)
Richard Mock
1944 - 2006
Jules Pascin (1885 - 1930)
Jules Pascin
1885 - 1930
Hannes Beckmann (1909 - 1977)
Hannes Beckmann
1909 - 1977
James Charles Castle (1899 - 1977)
James Charles Castle
1899 - 1977
Dorothea Lange (1895 - 1965)
Dorothea Lange
1895 - 1965
Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967)
Ad Reinhardt
1913 - 1967
Betye Saar (1926)
Betye Saar
Frederic Styles Egate (1803 - 1844)
Frederic Styles Egate
1803 - 1844
Linda Francis (1943)
Linda Francis
Guy Pène du Bois (1884 - 1958)
Guy Pène du Bois
1884 - 1958

Creators Expressionism

Guido Andlovitz (1900 - 1971)
Guido Andlovitz
1900 - 1971
Gyula Derkovits (1894 - 1934)
Gyula Derkovits
1894 - 1934
Lazar Segal (1889 - 1957)
Lazar Segal
1889 - 1957
Adrian Schiess (1959)
Adrian Schiess
Matthew Smith (1879 - 1959)
Matthew Smith
1879 - 1959
Aroldo Bonzagni (1887 - 1918)
Aroldo Bonzagni
1887 - 1918
Lothar-Günther Buchheim (1918 - 2007)
Lothar-Günther Buchheim
1918 - 2007
Sterling Ruby (1972)
Sterling Ruby
Hans Olde (1855 - 1917)
Hans Olde
1855 - 1917
Isidore Verheyden (1846 - 1905)
Isidore Verheyden
1846 - 1905
Johanna von Destouches (1869 - 1956)
Johanna von Destouches
1869 - 1956
Gust Romijn (1922 - 2010)
Gust Romijn
1922 - 2010
Valentin Le Campion (1903 - 1952)
Valentin Le Campion
1903 - 1952
Julia Wolfthorn (1864 - 1944)
Julia Wolfthorn
1864 - 1944
Fritz Haller (1924 - 2012)
Fritz Haller
1924 - 2012
Fred Voelkerling (1872 - 1945)
Fred Voelkerling
1872 - 1945