Claude Joseph Vernet (1714 - 1789)

Claude Joseph Vernet (1714 - 1789) - photo 1

Claude Joseph Vernet

Claude Joseph Vernet was a French painter.

Vernet's work draws on natural themes, but in a way that is neither sentimental or emotive. The overall effect of his style is wholly decorative.


Date and place of birt:14 august 1714, Avignon, France
Date and place of death:3 december 1789, Paris, France
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Accademia di San Luca, Salon des artistes français
Genre:Landscape painting, Marine art
Art style:Neoclassicism, Rococo, Romanticism

Creators France

Antoine Vollon (1833 - 1900)
Antoine Vollon
1833 - 1900
Guillaume Durand de Saint-Pourçain (1275 - 1332)
Guillaume Durand de Saint-Pourçain
1275 - 1332
Charles-Nicolas Odiot (1789 - 1868)
Charles-Nicolas Odiot
1789 - 1868
Jacques-Philippe Caresme (1734 - 1796)
Jacques-Philippe Caresme
1734 - 1796
Fikret Muallâ Saygı (1903 - 1967)
Fikret Muallâ Saygı
1903 - 1967
Roger-Edgar Gillet (1924 - 2004)
Roger-Edgar Gillet
1924 - 2004
Bettina Rheims (1952)
Bettina Rheims
Félix Vallotton (1865 - 1925)
Félix Vallotton
1865 - 1925
Marie-Victoire Lemoine (1754 - 1820)
Marie-Victoire Lemoine
1754 - 1820
Heinrich Gogarten (1850 - 1911)
Heinrich Gogarten
1850 - 1911
Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761 - 1802)
Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux
1761 - 1802
Tadeusz Gorecki (1825 - 1868)
Tadeusz Gorecki
1825 - 1868
 Carolus-Duran (1837 - 1917)
1837 - 1917
Léon de Smet (1881 - 1966)
Léon de Smet
1881 - 1966
Karl Lagasse (1981)
Karl Lagasse
Charles Cottet (1863 - 1925)
Charles Cottet
1863 - 1925

Creators Neoclassicism

Bertalan Sekei (1835 - 1910)
Bertalan Sekei
1835 - 1910
Paul Revere (1735 - 1818)
Paul Revere
1735 - 1818
Karoly Marko (1822 - 1891)
Karoly Marko
1822 - 1891
Daniel Gardner (1750 - 1805)
Daniel Gardner
1750 - 1805
Frederick Lee Bridell (1830 - 1863)
Frederick Lee Bridell
1830 - 1863
Jean-Joseph Taillasson (1745 - 1809)
Jean-Joseph Taillasson
1745 - 1809
Francis Danby (1793 - 1861)
Francis Danby
1793 - 1861
Jules Paul Victor Robichon (1839 - 1910)
Jules Paul Victor Robichon
1839 - 1910
Josef Mánes (1820 - 1871)
Josef Mánes
1820 - 1871
Johan Conrad Greive (1837 - 1891)
Johan Conrad Greive
1837 - 1891
Richard Parkes Bonington (1802 - 1828)
Richard Parkes Bonington
1802 - 1828
Charles D'Oyly (1781 - 1845)
Charles D'Oyly
1781 - 1845
Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788)
Thomas Gainsborough
1727 - 1788
Eduard Magnus (1799 - 1872)
Eduard Magnus
1799 - 1872
Adriaan van der Burg (1693 - 1733)
Adriaan van der Burg
1693 - 1733
Rembrandt Peale (1778 - 1860)
Rembrandt Peale
1778 - 1860