Deborah Kay Butterfield (1949)

Deborah Kay Butterfield (1949) - photo 1

Deborah Kay Butterfield

Deborah Kay Butterfield is an American sculptor. Along with her artist-husband John Buck, she divides her time between a farm in Bozeman, Montana, and studio space in Hawaii. She is known for her sculptures of horses made from found objects, like metal, and especially pieces of wood.


Date and place of birt:7 may 1949, San Diego, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Sculptor
Art style:Contemporary art

Creators USA

Alfonso Ossorio (1916 - 1990)
Alfonso Ossorio
1916 - 1990
Perle Fine (1905 - 1988)
Perle Fine
1905 - 1988
Alex Perweiler (1986)
Alex Perweiler
Bruce Conner (1933 - 2008)
Bruce Conner
1933 - 2008
Jean Royère (1902 - 1981)
Jean Royère
1902 - 1981
Michael Mogavero (1950)
Michael Mogavero
Ronald Brooks Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Ronald Brooks Kitaj
1932 - 2007
Robert Walter Weir (1803 - 1889)
Robert Walter Weir
1803 - 1889
Emily Mason (1932 - 2019)
Emily Mason
1932 - 2019
Paul Jenkins (1923 - 2012)
Paul Jenkins
1923 - 2012
Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967)
Ad Reinhardt
1913 - 1967
Elizabeth Gray Overbeck (1875 - 1936)
Elizabeth Gray Overbeck
1875 - 1936
Karyn Lyons (1981)
Karyn Lyons
Valery Yakovlevich Levental (1938 - 2015)
Valery Yakovlevich Levental
1938 - 2015
Edward Weston (1886 - 1958)
Edward Weston
1886 - 1958
Sarah Crowner (1974)
Sarah Crowner

Creators Contemporary art

Zvi Goldstein (1947)
Zvi Goldstein
Leonid Vladimirovich Shervud (1871 - 1954)
Leonid Vladimirovich Shervud
1871 - 1954
Christophe-Emmanuel Bouchet (1959 - 2021)
Christophe-Emmanuel Bouchet
1959 - 2021
Dmitry Vladimirovich Gorlov (1899 - 1988)
Dmitry Vladimirovich Gorlov
1899 - 1988
Luciano Gaspari (1913 - 2007)
Luciano Gaspari
1913 - 2007
Sterett-Gittings Kelsey (1941)
Sterett-Gittings Kelsey
Boris Vasilievich Kotik (1921 - 1984)
Boris Vasilievich Kotik
1921 - 1984
Ryan Sullivan (1983)
Ryan Sullivan
Ettore DeGrazia (1909 - 1982)
Ettore DeGrazia
1909 - 1982
Horace Day (1909 - 1984)
Horace Day
1909 - 1984
Matthew Darbyshire (1977)
Matthew Darbyshire
Massimo Agostinelli (1987)
Massimo Agostinelli
Mark Staff Brandl (1955)
Mark Staff Brandl
John Kacere (1920 - 1999)
John Kacere
1920 - 1999
Georg Dienz (1964)
Georg Dienz
Achiam Shoshany (1916 - 2005)
Achiam Shoshany
1916 - 2005
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