François Auguste René Rodin (1840 - 1917)

François Auguste René Rodin (1840 - 1917) - photo 1

François Auguste René Rodin

François Auguste René Rodin was a French sculptor, generally considered the founder of modern sculpture. He was schooled traditionally and took a craftsman-like approach to his work. Rodin possessed a unique ability to model a complex, turbulent, and deeply pocketed surface in clay. He is known for such sculptures as The Thinker, Monument to Balzac, The Kiss, The Burghers of Calais, and The Gates of Hell.

Many of Rodin's most notable sculptures were criticized, as they clashed with predominant figurative sculpture traditions in which works were decorative, formulaic, or highly thematic. Rodin's most original work departed from traditional themes of mythology and allegory. He modeled the human body with naturalism, and his sculptures celebrate individual character and physicality. Although Rodin was sensitive to the controversy surrounding his work, he refused to change his style, and his continued output brought increasing favor from the government and the artistic community.


Date and place of birt:12 november 1840, Paris, France
Date and place of death:17 november 1917, Meudon, France
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art school / group:Les Vingt, Salon des artistes français, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Société nouvelle de peintres et de sculpteurs, Vienna Secession
Art style:Impressionism

Creators France

Josef Hegenbarth (1884 - 1962)
Josef Hegenbarth
1884 - 1962
Théobald Chartran (1849 - 1907)
Théobald Chartran
1849 - 1907
Yaroslav Chermak (1831 - 1878)
Yaroslav Chermak
1831 - 1878
Jules Robert Auguste (1789 - 1850)
Jules Robert Auguste
1789 - 1850
Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954)
Henri Matisse
1869 - 1954
Martine Franck (1938 - 2012)
Martine Franck
1938 - 2012
Eugène Delacroix (1798 - 1863)
Eugène Delacroix
1798 - 1863
Robert-Joseph Auguste (1723 - 1805)
Robert-Joseph Auguste
1723 - 1805
Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847 - 1928)
Frederick Arthur Bridgman
1847 - 1928
Grigory Yefimovich Gluckmann (1898 - 1973)
Grigory Yefimovich Gluckmann
1898 - 1973
Charles Antoine Coysevox (1640 - 1720)
Charles Antoine Coysevox
1640 - 1720
Jean-Jacques Scherrer (1855 - 1916)
Jean-Jacques Scherrer
1855 - 1916
Louis-Gabriel Moreau (1740 - 1806)
Louis-Gabriel Moreau
1740 - 1806
Jules Sarlandie (1874 - 1936)
Jules Sarlandie
1874 - 1936
Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659 - 1743)
Hyacinthe Rigaud
1659 - 1743
Jean-Baptiste Santerre (1651 - 1717)
Jean-Baptiste Santerre
1651 - 1717

Creators Impressionism

Eugène Etienne Sordet (1836 - 1915)
Eugène Etienne Sordet
1836 - 1915
Reinhold Lepsius (1857 - 1922)
Reinhold Lepsius
1857 - 1922
Gabriele Maria Deininger-Arnhard (1855 - 1945)
Gabriele Maria Deininger-Arnhard
1855 - 1945
Friedrich Josef Nicolai Heydendahl (1844 - 1906)
Friedrich Josef Nicolai Heydendahl
1844 - 1906
Maynard Dixon (1875 - 1946)
Maynard Dixon
1875 - 1946
Igor Konstantinovich Skorobogatov (1920 - 1997)
Igor Konstantinovich Skorobogatov
1920 - 1997
George Henry Boughton (1833 - 1905)
George Henry Boughton
1833 - 1905
Paul Müller-Kaempff (1861 - 1941)
Paul Müller-Kaempff
1861 - 1941
Elena Genrikhovna Guro (1877 - 1913)
Elena Genrikhovna Guro
1877 - 1913
Marie Dorette Caroline Schorer (1865 - 1931)
Marie Dorette Caroline Schorer
1865 - 1931
Pietro Fragiacomo (1856 - 1922)
Pietro Fragiacomo
1856 - 1922
Wilhelm Thielmann (1868 - 1924)
Wilhelm Thielmann
1868 - 1924
Karl Caspar (1879 - 1956)
Karl Caspar
1879 - 1956
Francesco Filippini (1853 - 1895)
Francesco Filippini
1853 - 1895
Georges Stein (1864 - 1917)
Georges Stein
1864 - 1917
Lee Man Fong (1913 - 1988)
Lee Man Fong
1913 - 1988