Fuller Potter (1910 - 1990) - photo 1

Fuller Potter

Joseph Wiltsie Fuller Potter was an American Abstract expressionist artist.

Potter spent several of his formative years painting landscapes and portraits in the Southern Appalachia region, later studying painting in Paris with André Lhote from 1929 to 1931, and in New York with Walt Kuhn and with Thomas Hart Benton. In 1950, Potter met Jackson Pollock and changed his mode of painting permanently to abstraction, and had a number of shows of that body of work at the Mystic Gallery in Mystic, Connecticut. When starting his transition towards abstract painting, he combined his graphic skills with his mastery of color, and followed a path that would lead to his artistic peak, during his full abstract expressionist period.


Date and place of birt:24 april 1910, New York City, USA
Date and place of death:May 1990, Westerly, USA
Nationality:France, USA
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:New York School
Art style:Abstract Expressionism, Abstract art

Creators France

Auguste Trémont (1892 - 1980)
Auguste Trémont
1892 - 1980
Henri Bouchard (1875 - 1960)
Henri Bouchard
1875 - 1960
Katsu Hamanaka (1895 - 1982)
Katsu Hamanaka
1895 - 1982
Louis Marcoussis (1878 - 1941)
Louis Marcoussis
1878 - 1941
Arnold Borisovich Lakhovsky (1880 - 1937)
Arnold Borisovich Lakhovsky
1880 - 1937
Jean-Jacques Castex (1731 - 1822)
Jean-Jacques Castex
1731 - 1822
Evgenia Georgievna Lopukhina-Kamchatova (1893 - 1965)
Evgenia Georgievna Lopukhina-Kamchatova
1893 - 1965
Laslo Paal (1846 - 1879)
Laslo Paal
1846 - 1879
Solomon Rossin (1937)
Solomon Rossin
Joseph van Bredael (1688 - 1739)
Joseph van Bredael
1688 - 1739
Alexander Konstantinovich Orlov (1899 - 1979)
Alexander Konstantinovich Orlov
1899 - 1979
Gaspard Duguet (1615 - 1675)
Gaspard Duguet
1615 - 1675
Rostislav Vladimirovitch (Rostislas) Loukine (Lukin) (1904 - 1988)
Rostislav Vladimirovitch (Rostislas) Loukine (Lukin)
1904 - 1988
Jean Raoux (1677 - 1734)
Jean Raoux
1677 - 1734
Fabienne Verdier (1962)
Fabienne Verdier
Marcelle Cahn (1895 - 1981)
Marcelle Cahn
1895 - 1981

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Lillian Bassman (1917 - 2012)
Lillian Bassman
1917 - 2012
John Stockton de Martelly (1903 - 1979)
John Stockton de Martelly
1903 - 1979
Martin Puryear (1941)
Martin Puryear
Georges Maurice Cloud (1909 - 1973)
Georges Maurice Cloud
1909 - 1973
Natalia Dumitresco (1915 - 1997)
Natalia Dumitresco
1915 - 1997
Pedro Anacker (1962)
Pedro Anacker
Otto Flath (1906 - 1987)
Otto Flath
1906 - 1987
Robert Gwathmey (1903 - 1988)
Robert Gwathmey
1903 - 1988
August Stimpfl (1924 - 2010)
August Stimpfl
1924 - 2010
Roberto Miniati (1952)
Roberto Miniati
Roy Newell (1914 - 2006)
Roy Newell
1914 - 2006
John Maxwell (1905 - 1962)
John Maxwell
1905 - 1962
Peter Brandes (1944)
Peter Brandes
Günter Skrodzki (1935 - 2012)
Günter Skrodzki
1935 - 2012
Arshile Gorky (1904 - 1948)
Arshile Gorky
1904 - 1948
Cesare Lucchini (1941)
Cesare Lucchini