Henry Clarence Whaite (1828 - 1912)

Henry Clarence Whaite (1828 - 1912) - photo 1

Henry Clarence Whaite

Date and place of birt:1828, Manchester, United Kingdom
Date and place of death:1912, Conwy, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Landscape painter
Genre:Landscape painting, Religious genre
Art style:Impressionism, Pointillism
Technique:Acrylic paint, Watercolor

Creators United Kingdom

 George Orleans Delamotte (1788 - 1861)
George Orleans Delamotte
1788 - 1861
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 - 1928)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
1868 - 1928
John Baptiste Medina (1659 - 1710)
John Baptiste Medina
1659 - 1710
George Vicat Cole (1833 - 1893)
George Vicat Cole
1833 - 1893
Henry Garland (1834 - 1913)
Henry Garland
1834 - 1913
Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882 - 1966)
Alvin Langdon Coburn
1882 - 1966
Henry Cornman ()
Henry Cornman
Joseph Goupy (1689 - 1769)
Joseph Goupy
1689 - 1769
Philip Burne-Jones (1861 - 1926)
Philip Burne-Jones
1861 - 1926
Cuthbert Hamilton (1885 - 1959)
Cuthbert Hamilton
1885 - 1959
Bill Jacklin (1943)
Bill Jacklin
Kim Brooks (1936)
Kim Brooks
John Houle ()
John Houle
Kate Malone (1959)
Kate Malone
Reginald Beauchamp (1910 - 2000)
Reginald Beauchamp
1910 - 2000
Edmund Blair Leighton (1852 - 1922)
Edmund Blair Leighton
1852 - 1922

Creators Impressionism

Ernst Kolbe (1876 - 1945)
Ernst Kolbe
1876 - 1945
Julius Muller-Massdorf (1863 - 1933)
Julius Muller-Massdorf
1863 - 1933
Eduard Salomon Frankfort (1864 - 1920)
Eduard Salomon Frankfort
1864 - 1920
Erwin Laiblin (1878 - ?)
Erwin Laiblin
1878 - ?
Peter Ilsted (1861 - 1933)
Peter Ilsted
1861 - 1933
Arthur Merric Bloomfield Boyd (1920 - 1999)
Arthur Merric Bloomfield Boyd
1920 - 1999
Karl Viktor Mayr (1882 - 1974)
Karl Viktor Mayr
1882 - 1974
Willem Dooyewaard (1892 - 1980)
Willem Dooyewaard
1892 - 1980
Otto Modersohn (1865 - 1943)
Otto Modersohn
1865 - 1943
Johannes Evert Hendrik Akkeringa (1861 - 1942)
Johannes Evert Hendrik Akkeringa
1861 - 1942
Franz Pflugradt (1861 - 1946)
Franz Pflugradt
1861 - 1946
Bencion Zukerman (1890 - 1944)
Bencion Zukerman
1890 - 1944
Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854 - 1941)
Eugène Galien-Laloue
1854 - 1941
William Goodridge Roberts (1904 - 1974)
William Goodridge Roberts
1904 - 1974
Nicolai Cikovsky (1894 - 1987)
Nicolai Cikovsky
1894 - 1987
Avigdor Arikha (1929 - 2010)
Avigdor Arikha
1929 - 2010