Ivan Meštrović (1883 - 1962)

Ivan Meštrović (1883 - 1962) - photo 1

Ivan Meštrović

Ivan Meštrović was a Croatian sculptor of the twentieth century. He is known as a master of monumental fine art. Meštrović was also an architect and a writer, and at the beginning of his professional career he painted oil paintings.

Throughout his life, Ivan Meštrović traveled extensively around the world and studied the works of famous sculptors of various eras. In his works, he combined elements of all kinds of art styles, from antiquity and the Renaissance to Art Nouveau and Symbolism.

Date and place of birt:15 august 1883, Vrpolje, Croatia
Date and place of death:16 january 1962, South Bend, USA
Nationality:Italy, France, Croatia, Switzerland, USA
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Architect, Artist, Sculptor
Art style:Realism
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Creators Italy

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696 - 1770)
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
1696 - 1770
Mauro Bergonzoli (1965)
Mauro Bergonzoli
Tobia Scarpa (1935)
Tobia Scarpa
Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680)
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
1598 - 1680
Juan Lepiani (1864 - 1932)
Juan Lepiani
1864 - 1932
Carol (Olga Carolina) Rama (1918 - 2015)
Carol (Olga Carolina) Rama
1918 - 2015
Dominikus Auliczek (1734 - 1804)
Dominikus Auliczek
1734 - 1804
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1466 - 1516)
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
1466 - 1516
Johann Evangelist Holzer (1709 - 1740)
Johann Evangelist Holzer
1709 - 1740
Alfredo Volpi (1896 - 1988)
Alfredo Volpi
1896 - 1988
Giuliano Vangi (1931)
Giuliano Vangi
Giovanni Pietro Perti (Peretti) (1648 - 1714)
Giovanni Pietro Perti (Peretti)
1648 - 1714
Luciano Bartolini (1948 - 1994)
Luciano Bartolini
1948 - 1994
Paolo Scheggi (1940 - 1971)
Paolo Scheggi
1940 - 1971
Luigi Rubio (1797 - 1882)
Luigi Rubio
1797 - 1882
Walter Lazzaro (1914 - 1989)
Walter Lazzaro
1914 - 1989

Creators Realism

Torello Ancillotti (1843 - 1899)
Torello Ancillotti
1843 - 1899
Viktor Zarubin (1866 - 1928)
Viktor Zarubin
1866 - 1928
Nikolay Alekseevich Kasatkin (1859 - 1930)
Nikolay Alekseevich Kasatkin
1859 - 1930
Frans Keelhoff (1820 - 1891)
Frans Keelhoff
1820 - 1891
Antonio Ribas Oliver (1845 - 1911)
Antonio Ribas Oliver
1845 - 1911
Aldro Hibbard (1886 - 1972)
Aldro Hibbard
1886 - 1972
Daniel Berger (1744 - 1825)
Daniel Berger
1744 - 1825
Heinrich Müller (1893 - 1976)
Heinrich Müller
1893 - 1976
Vasily Dmitrievich Chegodar (1918 - 1989)
Vasily Dmitrievich Chegodar
1918 - 1989
Paul-Théophile Robert (1879 - 1954)
Paul-Théophile Robert
1879 - 1954
Henri-Alban Fournier (1886 - 1914)
Henri-Alban Fournier
1886 - 1914
 Hans Peter Vilhelm Hempel (1888 - 1963)
Hans Peter Vilhelm Hempel
1888 - 1963
Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848 - 1907)
Joris-Karl Huysmans
1848 - 1907
Richard Moinen (1856 - 1906)
Richard Moinen
1856 - 1906
 Jean (Jan) Michael Ruyten (1813 - 1881)
Jean (Jan) Michael Ruyten
1813 - 1881
Ernest Lawson (1873 - 1939)
Ernest Lawson
1873 - 1939