Jacques Bellange (1575 - 1616)

Jacques Bellange (1575 - 1616) - photo 1

Jacques Bellange

Jacques Bellange was an artist and printmaker from the Duchy of Lorraine (then independent but now part of France) whose etchings and some drawings are his only securely identified works today. They are among the most striking Northern Mannerist old master prints, mostly on Catholic religious subjects, and with a highly individual style. He worked for fourteen years in the capital, Nancy as court painter to two Dukes of Lorraine, before dying at the age of about forty, and almost all his prints were produced in the three or four years before his death. None of his paintings are known to have survived, but the prints have been known to collectors since shortly after his death, though they were out of critical favour for most of this period. In the 20th century they have been much more highly regarded, although Bellange is still not a well-known figure.


Date and place of birt:1575, France
Date and place of death:1616, Nancy, France
Period of activity: XVI, XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Painter
Genre:Mythological painting, Portrait, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque, Mannerism
JACQUES BELLANGE (1575-1616) - Auction prices

Auction prices Jacques Bellange

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Creators France

François Rude (1784 - 1855)
François Rude
1784 - 1855
Max Ernst (1891 - 1976)
Max Ernst
1891 - 1976
Roger Parry (1905 - 1977)
Roger Parry
1905 - 1977
Annie Christine Boumeester (1904 - 1971)
Annie Christine Boumeester
1904 - 1971
Marc Duval (1530 - 1581)
Marc Duval
1530 - 1581
Nicolas de Largillière (1656 - 1746)
Nicolas de Largillière
1656 - 1746
Mania Mavro (1889 - 1969)
Mania Mavro
1889 - 1969
Charles Ferdinand Ceramano (1831 - 1909)
Charles Ferdinand Ceramano
1831 - 1909
Yves Tanguy (1900 - 1955)
Yves Tanguy
1900 - 1955
Paul Dominique Philippoteaux (1846 - 1923)
Paul Dominique Philippoteaux
1846 - 1923
Ary Scheffer (1795 - 1858)
Ary Scheffer
1795 - 1858
Richard Guino (1890 - 1973)
Richard Guino
1890 - 1973
Jules-Clemente Chaplain (1839 - 1909)
Jules-Clemente Chaplain
1839 - 1909
Vilhelm Lundstrom (1893 - 1950)
Vilhelm Lundstrom
1893 - 1950
Gaspard Duguet (1615 - 1675)
Gaspard Duguet
1615 - 1675
Jean Mayodon (1893 - 1967)
Jean Mayodon
1893 - 1967

Creators Baroque

Joseph Ruffini (1690 - 1749)
Joseph Ruffini
1690 - 1749
Abraham Teniers (1629 - 1670)
Abraham Teniers
1629 - 1670
Niccolo Berrettoni (1637 - 1682)
Niccolo Berrettoni
1637 - 1682
Pietro da Cortona (1596 - 1669)
Pietro da Cortona
1596 - 1669
Alexandre-François Desportes (1661 - 1743)
Alexandre-François Desportes
1661 - 1743
Filippo Parodi (1630 - 1702)
Filippo Parodi
1630 - 1702
Charles Le Brun (1619 - 1690)
Charles Le Brun
1619 - 1690
Charles de La Fosse (1636 - 1716)
Charles de La Fosse
1636 - 1716
Johann Cimbal (1722 - 1795)
Johann Cimbal
1722 - 1795
José de Sarabia (1608 - 1699)
José de Sarabia
1608 - 1699
Dirck de Horn (1626 - 1681)
Dirck de Horn
1626 - 1681
Alexander van Bredael (1633 - 1720)
Alexander van Bredael
1633 - 1720
Daniel Vosmaer (1622 - 1669)
Daniel Vosmaer
1622 - 1669
Jacob de Gheyn III (1596 - 1641)
Jacob de Gheyn III
1596 - 1641
Giovanni Francesco Braccioli (1697 - 1762)
Giovanni Francesco Braccioli
1697 - 1762
Girolamo Scaglia (1620 - 1686)
Girolamo Scaglia
1620 - 1686