Jean-Baptiste Joseph Wicar (1762 - 1834)

Jean-Baptiste Joseph Wicar (1762 - 1834) - photo 1

Jean-Baptiste Joseph Wicar

Date and place of birt:2 january 1762, Lille, France
Date and place of death:27 february 1834, Rome, Italy
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Neoclassicism

Creators France

Jean-Baptiste Perronneau (1715 - 1783)
Jean-Baptiste Perronneau
1715 - 1783
Simon Mathurin Lantara (1729 - 1778)
Simon Mathurin Lantara
1729 - 1778
Jean Vincenti ()
Jean Vincenti
Ksenia Milicevic (1942)
Ksenia Milicevic
Jean-Laurent Mosnier (1743 - 1808)
Jean-Laurent Mosnier
1743 - 1808
Tadeusz Makowski (1882 - 1932)
Tadeusz Makowski
1882 - 1932
Leopold Thieme (1880 - 1963)
Leopold Thieme
1880 - 1963
Jacques-Théodule Cartier (1884 - 1941)
Jacques-Théodule Cartier
1884 - 1941
Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659 - 1743)
Hyacinthe Rigaud
1659 - 1743
André Dunoyer de Segonzac (1884 - 1974)
André Dunoyer de Segonzac
1884 - 1974
Ludwig Deutsch (1855 - 1935)
Ludwig Deutsch
1855 - 1935
Gilles Joubert (1689 - 1775)
Gilles Joubert
1689 - 1775
Ivan Albertovich Puni (1894 - 1956)
Ivan Albertovich Puni
1894 - 1956
Mikhail Osipovich Tsetlin (Amari) (1882 - 1945)
Mikhail Osipovich Tsetlin (Amari)
1882 - 1945
Antonin Artaud (1896 - 1948)
Antonin Artaud
1896 - 1948
Claude Charles Antoine Berny d'Ouville (1775 - 1842)
Claude Charles Antoine Berny d'Ouville
1775 - 1842

Creators Neoclassicism

Vladimir Ivanovich Moshkov (1792 - 1839)
Vladimir Ivanovich Moshkov
1792 - 1839
Abel de Pujol (1785 - 1861)
Abel de Pujol
1785 - 1861
Nicola Peccheneda (1725 - 1804)
Nicola Peccheneda
1725 - 1804
Ferdinand Barbedienne (1810 - 1892)
Ferdinand Barbedienne
1810 - 1892
Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741 - 1828)
Jean-Antoine Houdon
1741 - 1828
Jean-Henri Riesener (1734 - 1806)
Jean-Henri Riesener
1734 - 1806
Anselm Feuerbach (1829 - 1880)
Anselm Feuerbach
1829 - 1880
Guillaume Guillon (1760 - 1832)
Guillaume Guillon
1760 - 1832
Henry Benbridge (1743 - 1812)
Henry Benbridge
1743 - 1812
Giuseppe Passeri (1654 - 1714)
Giuseppe Passeri
1654 - 1714
Antonio Jolie (1700 - 1777)
Antonio Jolie
1700 - 1777
Jean-Jacques Bachelier (1724 - 1806)
Jean-Jacques Bachelier
1724 - 1806
Carlo Restallino (1776 - 1864)
Carlo Restallino
1776 - 1864
Ferdinand Lepcke (1866 - 1909)
Ferdinand Lepcke
1866 - 1909
Louis Boulanger (1806 - 1867)
Louis Boulanger
1806 - 1867
Johann Lebrecht Eggink (1784 - 1867)
Johann Lebrecht Eggink
1784 - 1867