Jean Beffier (1851 - 1920) - photo 1

Jean Beffier

Date and place of birt:18 november 1851, Neuvy-le-Barrois, France
Date and place of death:19 april 1920, Paris, France
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art style:Realism

Creators France

Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet (1644 - 1717)
Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet
1644 - 1717
Roger Godchaux (1878 - 1958)
Roger Godchaux
1878 - 1958
Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (1824 - 1887)
Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse
1824 - 1887
Andre Marfaing (1925 - 1987)
Andre Marfaing
1925 - 1987
Jean de Gerson (1363 - 1429)
Jean de Gerson
1363 - 1429
Pierre-Louis Cretey (1635 - 1721)
Pierre-Louis Cretey
1635 - 1721
Alfred-Emmanuel Beurdeley (1847 - 1919)
Alfred-Emmanuel Beurdeley
1847 - 1919
Pierre-Nicolas Brisset (1810 - 1890)
Pierre-Nicolas Brisset
1810 - 1890
Henri Sié (1936)
Henri Sié
Lawrence Atkinson (1873 - 1931)
Lawrence Atkinson
1873 - 1931
Jean Grandville (1803 - 1847)
Jean Grandville
1803 - 1847
Lucien Adrion (1889 - 1953)
Lucien Adrion
1889 - 1953
Pieter Rijsbraeck (1655 - 1729)
Pieter Rijsbraeck
1655 - 1729
 Elsa & Johanna ()
Elsa & Johanna
 Aslan (1930 - 2014)
1930 - 2014
Camille Claudel (1864 - 1943)
Camille Claudel
1864 - 1943

Creators Realism

Edward Woutermaertens (1819 - 1897)
Edward Woutermaertens
1819 - 1897
Martha Darley Mutrie (1824 - 1885)
Martha Darley Mutrie
1824 - 1885
Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov (1862 - 1942)
Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov
1862 - 1942
Karl Reichert (1836 - 1918)
Karl Reichert
1836 - 1918
Heinrich Lang (1838 - 1891)
Heinrich Lang
1838 - 1891
Nikolay Ivanovich Osenev (1909 - 1983)
Nikolay Ivanovich Osenev
1909 - 1983
Jean Paul Lemieux (1904 - 1990)
Jean Paul Lemieux
1904 - 1990
Fernand Verhaegen (1883 - 1975)
Fernand Verhaegen
1883 - 1975
Friedrich Boser (1809 - 1881)
Friedrich Boser
1809 - 1881
Melvin John Ramos (1935 - 2018)
Melvin John Ramos
1935 - 2018
Vladimir Grigorievich Veisberg (1924 - 1985)
Vladimir Grigorievich Veisberg
1924 - 1985
Salvador Viniegra (1862 - 1915)
Salvador Viniegra
1862 - 1915
Gian Giacomo dal Forno (1909 - 1989)
Gian Giacomo dal Forno
1909 - 1989
John Warwick Smith (1749 - 1831)
John Warwick Smith
1749 - 1831
Gregorio Sciltian (1900 - 1985)
Gregorio Sciltian
1900 - 1985
Albert Gustaf Edelfelt (1854 - 1905)
Albert Gustaf Edelfelt
1854 - 1905