Jean Siméon Chardin (1699 - 1779)

Jean Siméon Chardin (1699 - 1779) - photo 1

Jean Siméon Chardin

Jean Siméon Chardin was an 18th-century French painter. He is considered a master of still life, and is also noted for his genre paintings which depict kitchen maids, children, and domestic activities. Carefully balanced composition, soft diffusion of light, and granular impasto characterize his work.


Date and place of birt:2 november 1699, Paris, France
Date and place of death:6 december 1779, Paris, France
Period of activity: XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Accademia di San Luca, Salon des artistes français
Genre:Genre art, Portrait, Still life
Art style:Rococo, Romanticism

Creators France

Nadia Khodasevich-Léger (1904 - 1982)
Nadia Khodasevich-Léger
1904 - 1982
Paul Niclausse (1879 - 1958)
Paul Niclausse
1879 - 1958
Marcel-André Bouraine (1886 - 1948)
Marcel-André Bouraine
1886 - 1948
Eugène Printz (1889 - 1948)
Eugène Printz
1889 - 1948
Théodule-Augustin Ribot (1823 - 1891)
Théodule-Augustin Ribot
1823 - 1891
Henri-Georges Adam (1904 - 1967)
Henri-Georges Adam
1904 - 1967
Charles Lucien Léandre (1862 - 1934)
Charles Lucien Léandre
1862 - 1934
Mikhail Fyodorovich Larionov (1881 - 1964)
Mikhail Fyodorovich Larionov
1881 - 1964
Charles-Fernand de Condamy (1847 - 1913)
Charles-Fernand de Condamy
1847 - 1913
 Cedric Hartman (1929)
Cedric Hartman
Tschang-Yeul Kim (1929 - 2021)
Tschang-Yeul Kim
1929 - 2021
Jacques Henri Roger (1942 - 2012)
Jacques Henri Roger
1942 - 2012
Jesús Rafael Soto (1923 - 2005)
Jesús Rafael Soto
1923 - 2005
Charles Laval (1861 - 1894)
Charles Laval
1861 - 1894
Eustache Le Sueur (1616 - 1655)
Eustache Le Sueur
1616 - 1655
Theophile-Alexander Steinlen (1859 - 1923)
Theophile-Alexander Steinlen
1859 - 1923

Creators Rococo

Franz Brochier (1852 - 1926)
Franz Brochier
1852 - 1926
Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux (1761 - 1802)
Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux
1761 - 1802
Jacob Cats (1741 - 1799)
Jacob Cats
1741 - 1799
Francesco Hayez (1791 - 1882)
Francesco Hayez
1791 - 1882
August von Wille (1829 - 1887)
August von Wille
1829 - 1887
Anne Vallayer-Coster (1744 - 1818)
Anne Vallayer-Coster
1744 - 1818
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734 - 1781)
Jean-Baptiste Le Prince
1734 - 1781
Johann Jakob Wetzel (1781 - 1834)
Johann Jakob Wetzel
1781 - 1834
Karl Roux (1826 - 1894)
Karl Roux
1826 - 1894
Jean Simeon Rousseau de la Rottiere (1747 - 1820)
Jean Simeon Rousseau de la Rottiere
1747 - 1820
Karl von Enhuber (1811 - 1867)
Karl von Enhuber
1811 - 1867
Frans Oscar Stenvall (1856 - 1916)
Frans Oscar Stenvall
1856 - 1916
Hermann Schmidt (1819 - 1903)
Hermann Schmidt
1819 - 1903
Emma Soyer (1813 - 1842)
Emma Soyer
1813 - 1842
Mili Weber (1891 - 1978)
Mili Weber
1891 - 1978
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810 - 1874)
Alfred Jacob Miller
1810 - 1874