Johannes Kip (1653 - 1722) - photo 1

Johannes Kip

Johannes "Jan" Kip was a Dutch draftsman, engraver and print dealer. Together with Leonard Knyff, he made a speciality of engraved views of English country houses.

Date and place of birt:1653, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date and place of death:1722, London, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom, The Netherlands
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Draftsman, Engraver
Genre:Landscape painting
Art style:Baroque, Rococo
JOHANNES KIP (1652/3-1722) - Auction prices

Auction prices Johannes Kip

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Creators United Kingdom

Marie Spartali Stillman (1844 - 1927)
Marie Spartali Stillman
1844 - 1927
Alfred James Daplyn (1844 - 1926)
Alfred James Daplyn
1844 - 1926
James Princip Beadle (1863 - 1947)
James Princip Beadle
1863 - 1947
Edward Angelo Goodall (1819 - 1908)
Edward Angelo Goodall
1819 - 1908
Kurt Schwitters (1887 - 1948)
Kurt Schwitters
1887 - 1948
Thomas Banks (1735 - 1805)
Thomas Banks
1735 - 1805
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1829 - 1908)
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope
1829 - 1908
Joan Eardley (1921 - 1963)
Joan Eardley
1921 - 1963
Stuart Farmery (1953)
Stuart Farmery
Edward Seago (1910 - 1974)
Edward Seago
1910 - 1974
John Frederick William Herschel (1792 - 1871)
John Frederick William Herschel
1792 - 1871
Aubrey Williams (1926 - 1990)
Aubrey Williams
1926 - 1990
Frederick J. Tudgay (1841 - 1921)
Frederick J. Tudgay
1841 - 1921
John Everett Millais (1829 - 1896)
John Everett Millais
1829 - 1896
Gary Bunt (1957)
Gary Bunt
Matthew Smith (1879 - 1959)
Matthew Smith
1879 - 1959

Creators Baroque

Benedetto Luti (1666 - 1724)
Benedetto Luti
1666 - 1724
Guillaume Courtois (1628 - 1679)
Guillaume Courtois
1628 - 1679
Alessandro Grevenbroeck (1695 - 1748)
Alessandro Grevenbroeck
1695 - 1748
John Hannot (1633 - 1684)
John Hannot
1633 - 1684
Johann Georg Platzer (1704 - 1761)
Johann Georg Platzer
1704 - 1761
Andreas Schlüter (1662 - 1714)
Andreas Schlüter
1662 - 1714
Cornelius Suhr (1781 - 1857)
Cornelius Suhr
1781 - 1857
Charles Bird King (1785 - 1862)
Charles Bird King
1785 - 1862
Nicholas Ricoeur (1750 - 1787)
Nicholas Ricoeur
1750 - 1787
Antonio Felice Ferrari (1667 - 1720)
Antonio Felice Ferrari
1667 - 1720
Caspar van Wittel (1653 - 1736)
Caspar van Wittel
1653 - 1736
Pieter de Molijn (1595 - 1661)
Pieter de Molijn
1595 - 1661
Adam Pick (1621 - 1659)
Adam Pick
1621 - 1659
Philip van Dijk (1683 - 1753)
Philip van Dijk
1683 - 1753
Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry (1728 - 1796)
Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry
1728 - 1796
Hans De Jode (1630 - 1663)
Hans De Jode
1630 - 1663